2008-2009 Yearbook

Holly Thomas Early ChikjhcxJd Ucensure Angela Thrasher Bible and Religion for Women Matthew Slagter Management Luke Smelser Biochern & Molecular Biology Allison Smith Exercise Science Bethany Smith Marketing Jacob Smith Spanish Cody Smith Ccmmunication Disorders Peter Snell Bblogy Kathryn Sowers Biochem & Molecu13r BiolcxjY Drew Spickes Computer Engineering Raymond Spill Ccmmunicatbn Ml3nagernent Jesse Stacy Youth and Fami~ Ministry Jordan Stanley Biochem & Molecular Biology Haley Steger Mathematics Holly Steger Mathematics Valari Stewart Accounting Jared Street SoceJ Science-Teacher Uoensure Jillian Striclyn Communication Disorders Jonathan Striclyn MISSIOnS Maggie Stutzman SoceJ Work Collin Swafford Psychology Kari Szostak Biology Olzhas Taniyev Intemational Relations Mary Caitlin Tanksley Interior DesignArt Ashlee Tappe Dietetics Amy Taylor Art -Teacher Ucensure seniors 71