2008-2009 Yearbook

Janelle Meissner Social Work Rachel Melchers English Jennifer Mendoza Psychdcgy Laura Metz Engl~h-Teacher Ucensure Natalie Metz Human Resources Nick Michael English Allison Miller Psychdcgy Bryan Miller Accounting Jennifer Miller English Katrina Miller Nursing Kayla Miller Nursing Traci Milligan English Heather Mitchell Socsl Work Robert Montgomery Graphic Design Kelsey Moon Humanities Emily Moore Early Childhood Ucensure Fernando Moreno Aooounting Joshua Morgan Bectronic Media Amanda Morris Early Childhood Ucensure Anthony Morrison Inforrrntion Techndcgy Michael Mowrer Graphic Design Peyton Murphy Public Administration Heather Newberry Mid LevVMathi Science Brittney Niblock Psychdcgy Amanda Nowlin Math-Teacher Ucensure 68 people ~ Kristan Oakes Child and Fami~ Scences Olivia Okai Faml~ and Consumer Sciences Amy Olree Accounting