2008-2009 Yearbook

A Rockin' Weavers take center stage on TLC's "Rock the Reception" If wedding days were not stressful enough, on Saturday, July 12,2008, things became even more stressful when microphones, cameras and a production crew were added into the mix. Those were only a few uniclue items that 2008 graduate Addison Weaver and senior Vicky Weaver had to hide from their wedding party, family and guests on their wedding day. Last May, the couple was watching television and saw a new show on TLC called "Rock the Reception." Following the pilot episode, which was based on couples getting married and ending with an unusual "first dance," a commercial advertising interest in being on the show aired and gave informacion about how to apply on TLC's Web site. ''\YJe applied, not really with any serious hopes, but the casting directors liked us, gave us a call, and before we knew it, they invited us to be on '"Rock the Reception,' " Addison said. The bride and groom knew they wanted to have a fun first.dance together. "We always wanted to really surprise our guests and get things started with a 'bang,' " Vicky said. "We didn't know how to go about doing that, but this presented a perfect opportunity for doing JUSt that!" Although the Weavers did not get paid to be on the show, it offered them the opportunity to have an original and memotable firSt dance, which was all the incentive they needed. The producers arrived in San Antonio eight days early to begin filming. The process began with an all-day interview on the Sunday before their wedding day. ''Then, for the rest of the week, they followed us around town filming us as we made final preparations for the wedding," Addison said. Vicky said that the most surprising thing about the whole process was how "wired" they were. They had to wear microphones during all the wedding activities, for all of the dance practices and throughout the actual dance itself. 56 people ~ Friends and family of the Weaver's gam togelta'" to waten tte premere of 'fkck tte Rocepto1' Sept 20 1hs was SlPIXSEd to te tte fist lITe that Ita' e;:jro::l:l was ar€d 00 lVJ:ut it was cJeIa:ye::j at Ire ast minute. Nick Michael Addison and Vicki Weaver IABtdi the D\ID ct th:J" n..c e;:jro::l:l Sept 29" ther Meg rOO'Tl The DVD was a great way to remember the events of tl"eir we::lding receptO'"l. Nick Michael 1hs W9<M!IS tx:l<1tra.(t1 ttavo.e:trg r;ro.cs SEP:, 29 The ro.Pe sad thsy h<d pmty of fu1 rrermBS of Ita' 'N9::1ding roc:eptoo to k::d<. tlYoL.gh Nick Michael On the actual day of the wedding, the bride wore twO separate. "1 felt like a CIA agent," she said. If three-hour dance practices were not hard enough, they got even harder when trying to keep microphones intact and memorizing a dance for national television. TLC provided a professional choreographer, Chantel Robson, who created the dance just for them to the tune of "Rock 'N' Roll All Nite" bj' KISS. Robson put the couple and their siblings through three extensive, three· hour practices and three separate rehea~sals for final preparations for the big event. "Neither I nor Addison had an)' dance experience prior to our reception," Vicky said, "but learning together only made it that much more fun." Addison's fWO sisters, junior Les~e Weaver and Megan Weaver, were included in the secret, as well as Vicky's brother, freshman Cordell Rech. "They went to all of the rehearsals with us and did the actuaJ dance with us at the teception," Addison said. Vicky said that it was really great to get to do the dance with their siblings and share that special part of their wedding with them. Throughout the entire process, watching the reactions from the wedding party was their favorite memory. "\Ve had to keep the dance a secret from everyone, including the members in our wedding party, so they were extremely shocked whenever we began the dance," the Weavers said. ''The production crew kept themselves 'hidden' from the rest of our guests by pretending to be the videographers at our wedding. Several of our guests thought that we had spent an outrageous amount of money on recording our wedding, but they finally understood the need for all the cameras after our dance!" Addison and Vid.-y Weavet succeeded in surprising their guests and makingtheir wedding more special by rock en' rollin all night at their rockin' reception. Allison Weaver