2008-2009 Yearbook

Sophomore Amanda Dorsey studies for her ch3mstIy test Sept 25 n rer rom roan. Dc<se(s lam a'd Dr Keth Sch<JTYT1, prole£Sa 01 p/l',sca 0CErCe, ""'" rromates v.lal rer fattg attm::I3J Harding Noah Darnell Dorsey takes a moment V\t118 wall<Jng thrOJgh the G6..C to look at a PICture of her grandfather Pat Dcrsey was a S\MfT1 cre;h at Harding starting in 1978 Noah Darnell Junior Cy Mason watch3s a PaY at hs Ch ~ma "'pre softball garre Cfi Sept 25. M3so'1's cJaj was _ n Ch S()ma "'pre v.Ilefl re attm::I3J Hardng fran 1975· 1979 Noah Darnell seniors 53