2008-2009 Yearbook

huf 47 a day with hans the time because he was hard of hearing. So whenever a girl would ask him a question from the back seat, he would yell ‘WHAT?’ and then ask me what they said.” At one point, Hans even yelled out to a man crossing the street to get a haircut. Hans drove the group to the beaches, dropped them off and told them to meet back at a designated place after half an hour. “When we would come back, he would be sleeping under a tree with his shirt off,” Blake said. “A few times, we even had to wake him up.” When the group stopped to eat, they continued talking and began asking Hans questions. He ignored them, finished his mouthful and said, “One thing I always tell my tourists is that I never talk while eating.” They then finished out the remainder of their lunch without one word from Hans. When the group got back to Paris, they immediately told another group of HUFers, juniors Mary-Kyle Walker, Kurt Adams and Austin Grieb, to try to find Hans the following day. When Walker, Adams and Grieb got to Normandy, they did not find Hans at first and were disappointed, but when crossing a street, they saw a man they thought could be Hans. Adams yelled out his name, and Hans came running towards them and offered them the same tour. “We had the most fun with Hans than any other time we had in Paris,” Walker said. “He was a pretty sketchy man but was a great tour guide who knew a lot of stuff.” Christie Cronk