2008-2009 Yearbook

hug 43 Juniors Abby Hunter and Bobby Wilkinson take off in a race in Olympia, Greece, on February 22, 2008. Students were able to run in the original Olympic stadium while visiting southern Greece. Noah Darnell In addition to the treasury’s historical and cultural significance, it also held entertainment value. Many movies and books referenced the site at Petra, but none more famous than the third installment of the Indiana Jones series. Several students jumped at the chance to view in person the sight they had only before seen on film. “I was very excited about this opportunity, considering I am a huge Indiana Jones fan and have seen all of [the movies],” junior Melissa Ritchie said. “It was amazing to get to step foot in a foreign country where they actually did filming and to see such a cool place.” During their time in Petra, students also encountered the Bedouin vendors that came into the city to do business during the day. Some came away with souvenirs of their special trip to the Jordan. “I actually broke down and spent about $150 on a Bedouin-made knife,” Skinness said. “I had no buyer’s remorse.” Among other places, the group was also able to go see Mount Nebo, a site famous for its Biblical history. It was at Nebo that Moses viewed the Promised Land that he would never be able to enter. “It’s awesome visiting places that you can open up your Bible and read about,” junior Tommy Stickel said. While the HUG group was unsure of what to expect going into the surprise three-day trip to Jordan, they came away appreciative of the opportunity they had to go. “Before [we went], I was more excited to add another country to the checklist of places I had been,” Skinness said. “In retrospect, I would be thrilled to attend Harding University in Jordan.” Cody Waits and Emily Hauptli Ted Wheetley, a junior, jumps from the Corinth Canal on Sept. 25, in Corinth, Greece. “It was absolutely exhilarating,” Wheetley said. “There’s a brief moment of panic when you wonder ‘What was I thinking?’ just before hurling yourself into the ride of your life.” Courtesy of Rebecca Miller Writing in her Moleskine, junior Sam Strange takes notes about Greek history March 3, 2008, while visiting Delphi, Greece. In ancient Greece, Delphi was known to be the center of the earth and was home to pre-Olympic games. Noah Darnell While visiting Jordan on March 19, 2008, students explored Petra, an ancient city carved from the sandstone cliffs. The Petra Treasury was featured in the movie “Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade.” Noah Darnell