2008-2009 Yearbook

weekend life 37 Freshman Heidi Tabor spends time with Darrell and other children in downtown Little Rock on Oct. 11. Along with Tabor, a group of students spent their Saturdays in Little Rock as an outreach program through River City Ministry. Courtesy of Heidi Tabor Freshman Marshal White and sophomore Jonathon Moury pray with 91-year-old Walter Decherd after students helped empty his home Oct. 18 from the damage it sustained from Hurricane Ike. During fall break, students spent the weekend helping hurricane victims near Galveston, Texas, clean up debris nearly one month after the storm. Noah Darnell Hunting for one of the seven Harding caches, juniors Jon Langford and Jay Hungerford discover a hidden treasure near the Harding History House Nov. 12. Inside each of the caches was a small letter telling the reader about the history of that part of campus. Nick Michael Randall Gabriel, a senior, rock climbs at Jamestown, Ark., on Oct. 11. With multiple bolted routes on the cliffs, Jamestown proved to be a good place for a large group of people with different skill levels to enjoy a day of climbing. Courtesy of Heather Mitchell