2008-2009 Yearbook

34 student life living on a student’s budget As gas prices rose and the economy became unstable, Harding students found themselves doing anything to save money. Many students had to figure out a way to have fun and not break the bank by doing so. The drive to Little Rock turned out to be quite expensive, and much imagination was required for an adventurous night in Searcy. “Little Rock is bigger and has more options, but give Searcy some credit,” senior Megan Lankford said. “It is constantly growing. Searcy has its hidden treasures.” Students discovered many activities to attend on campus that proved to be fun and exciting. The Campus Activities Board presented inexpensive concerts, movies and a talent show for those who wanted to save on driving costs and were more willing to stay on campus. “CAB brings [concerts and movies] to campus so that you can save money on gas. Instead of having to drive somewhere, you can walk,” graduate student Matt Perring said. “The concerts also give you a chance to have more one-on-one contact with the artists because it’s a smaller setting.” Off campus, some businesses had deals that helped out when money was tight. Fast food restaurants like Wendy’s, Lenny’s Sub Shop and Quizno’s had different nights where they offered food at discounted prices. “One thing you can do to save some money is ask for a Harding discount,” senior Ashley Hopkins said. “Most stores in Searcy, even nicer boutiques, will offer discounts to Harding students if you ask.” On the town square in Searcy, the Rialto