2008-2009 Yearbook

functions/events 273 no girls allowed Social club functions were one of the many perks of joining a social club, giving attendees a chance to spend time with other club members, enjoy the company of their dates and get a new T-shirt. The annual TNT Stag function was a unique all-guys retreat that provided time for the men of TNT to spend time together as club brothers. “I love this function,” senior Peter Snell said. “As president, it is very important to me that we become closer as a club than we have ever been in the past. Whenever we have Stag, it reminds me of the reason I am in TNT and the importance of those relationships to me.” In the fall of 2008, the function took place Sunday, Oct. 12 at Camp Tahkodah. This four-hour event included a worship service, cookout, ultimate Frisbee, swimming, basketball and many other activities. During the worship service, members broke up into small groups for communion. They split up into groups of five or six and found a secluded place to share the Lord’s Supper and talk about struggles, blessings or any other issues they had on their minds. “It is a really great opportunity to learn more about each other and promote Christian unity rather than just club unity,” Snell said. Senior and club vice president Greg Moore agreed that the event was a big hit among the club’s members. “It is very encouraging to have friends in your club that will always be there for you,” he said. After the period of devotion was over, there was a large game of Ultimate Frisbee while lunch was prepared by club queens and one of the sponsors. After enjoying hamburgers and all the fixings, the guys began their afternoon of fun and relaxation. They spent the rest of the day swimming and playing on the rope swing. “I believe it is just a great time where guys can come back to school and for one afternoon, not worry about anything but having a good time,” Moore said. “I think that is extremely important. Coming out to Stag brings us closer as a club. I have always felt [that] the more we do together as a club, the closer we will become.” Not bringing dates to this function helped the club members focus on their friendships within the club, not just entertaining their dates. Without girls, there was no one to impress and the guys could just be themselves. “You get to play sports and be crazy and bond in a way that you wouldn’t if girls were around,” junior Brian Lancaster said. “All insecurities are thrown out the window. For example, [senior] James Piccino will get out there in a canoe and row and have fun, and he never does that with girls.” The tradition of this function was very important to all of the members of TNT. It provided a time to reconnect with club brothers through the common bond of Christ. “This function makes a huge difference,” Snell said. “It is one event, aside from meetings, that brings us together as a club. Guys get to see and interact with each other outside the realm of academia. When you have 100 plus guys living 100 plus lives, you need events like this that promote brotherhood and unity.” Bethany Loftis growing closer as brothers