2008-2009 Yearbook

22 student life SA President Michael Crouch, a senior, auctions off dates at The Event on Nov. 18. The proceeds obtained from the auction, totalling $605, were donated to Habitat for Humanity. Noah Darnell Juniors April McCall and Kalyn Heid bid on a date Nov. 18 while eating dinner at The Event. The Event, sponsored by the Student Association, was a catered dinner open to all students, costing two meals on the students’ meal plans for admission. Noah Darnell Senior Michael Crouch interviews sophomore Michael Walker on Nov. 18 before opening the bids for audience members to purchase Walker as a date. “It was good to be a part of something fun and worthwhile,” Walker said. “I’m glad I was involved, [even] if it was only for my [British] accent.” Noah Darnell Freshman Logan Callier hugs his date, sophomore Kinyata Gray on Nov. 18. Gray won Callier as a date by bidding $50 to ensure her victory in the auction. Noah Darnell