2008-2009 Yearbook

service 253 did you know... Alpha Tau members gather in the West Married apartments to share in a club devotional on Nov. 12. Alpha Tau led a Wednesday night devotional each week that was open to anyone who wanted to come. Nick Michael Students at the Shantih service project function play with foster children from the Searcy area on Oct. 15. The game was an attempt to fill the last bucket full of water from the first bucket with a cup that had a hole. Noah Darnell Senior Katie Parker ties a balloon on a child’s arm at Harding Park during the Shantih service project function on Oct. 15. Parker said she wanted to do more than just have a function; she wanted to be a service to others. Noah Darnell Members of King’s Men circle up at Harding Park to pray to end their first-round mixer on Sept. 8. During their mixer, they played a game of Powerball, which was a game of getting a ball into a trash can. Nick Michael Assistant Dean of Students Sherri Shearin was a member of women’s club Ju Go Ju when she attended Harding. Sub T-16’s president is called a skipper. This year the skipper was senior Nathan Page.