2008-2009 Yearbook

who’s who 245 For nomination into the national organization Who’s Who Among Students, an honor limited to juniors and seniors, there were three characteristics that Harding faculty paid attention to when considering students to recommend: character, leadership and GPA. As a Who’s Who nominee, senior Alexandra Loan was one student who distinguished herself in her college career through her involvement and leadership in many extracurricular activities and high performance as a student. Majoring in psychology and English with a double minor in Spanish and Bible, Loan balanced a heavy course load with her involvement in nine different organizations ranging from social and academic clubs to volunteer groups. Loan became a master of planning her time around all her different obligations. “It’s a very careful juggling act; I try to prioritize,” Loan said. “There is no magic formula.” Loan’s responsibilities varied from serving as devotional director for Regina social club to working with a wider group of students and faculty through the Academic Integrity Committee to revise academic integrity policies on campus or serving on the leadership committee of Christians In Action. “All of these have really helped expose me to a wide variety of experiences and leadership opportunities,” Loan said. “In each organization, I’ve been able to work with numerous people from whom I’ve learned a lot and been able to grow a lot through them personally, spiritually and academically.” Loan’s professors noticed her ability to continue doing well in the classroom in addition to all of her outside responsibilities. “She is really enthusiastic and intelligent and makes a lot of comments that are insightful,” Dr. Larry Hunt, associate professor of English, said. “She’s just a really hard worker. All of this extra stuff hasn’t affected her work with me at all.” Loan’s demonstrated example of character and leadership as a hardworking student was what earned her the distinguished recognition as a nominee for Who’s Who. Dr. Butch Gardner, who was in charge of Harding’s chapter of the organization, noted that this honor also held value as a beneficial addition to students’ résumés. “Students recognize that [benefit] and follow through when a teacher wants to nominate them,” Gardner said. Inevitably, Loan had to devote a lot of personal time to the organizations she was committed to; however, she said she still felt that the sacrifice was worth it. “I’ve been lucky to have a lot of friends involved in the same organizations that I [am], but there are times when school and my other responsibilities swamp me and completely destroy my social life for days or weeks,” Loan said. “Ultimately [though], I very much enjoy what I do, and while I sometimes regret not being able to just hang out with friends, I still wouldn’t change much if I had to do it again.” Christie Cronk and Emily Hauptli J u g g l i n g Senior Michael Crouch throws a pie in the assistant to the president Nate Copeland ‘s face Nov. 21 outside of the McInteer Bible Building. The Society for Advancement of Management held a fundraiser for Heifer International; those who donated the most money were able to put a pie in the face of a dean. Noah Darnell Senior Alexandra Loan attends a Regina officer meeting in the PryorEngland Science Center Feb. 23. Loan served as the devotional director for her social club. Nick Michael Who’s Who Member Learns Priorities