2008-2009 Yearbook

228 organizations Row 1: B. Foy, P. Edmison, J. Hall, E. Harrell, M. Tanksley, E. Burchfield, J. Hughes, J. Fedor. Row 2: A. Ritchie, B. Light, T. Kaye, C. Frazier, D. Walton, M. Lenon, B. Gatlin. Row 1: A. Haynes, M. Johnson. Row 2: A. Akins, L. Collins, C. Swafford. Row 3: C. Akins, T. Lybrand. Row 4: B. Yarbrough, M. Rozell, B. Norton. Chamber Singers Good News Singers Dr. Cliff Ganus, director of choral activities, usually directed the Harding Chamber Singers, a small group of fourteen singers, but while he was in Chile during the 2008 fall semester, he left two capable young men to take charge of the group in his place. Brooks Gatlin, a vocal major who graduated in May of 2008, became the director of the group, and junior vocal major Brad Light filled the assistant director position. “The reports I have received have been complimentary, and from my previous experience with Brooks and Brad, I’m confident that they’re doing a fine job and that the group is rehearsing and performing well,” Ganus said. “We collaborated before I left on the repertoire for this semester. Most of the members of the group are returning from last year, so I know that they know what needs to be done.” Both Gatlin and Light agreed that Ganus gave them a lot of free reign to determine what the group would sing that year and were honored with the privilege and trust they received from him to lead the Chamber Singers. “This opportunity is definitely a great ‘career move’ for me,” Gatlin said. “It will also help to prepare me for when I actually do have a group of my own to direct.” Gatlin said that both Light and himself sent or received an e-mail from Ganus about once a week, keeping him updated on how things were going with the group and how they performed at concerts. “The music that they perform was picked by Dr. Ganus, but the style and interpretation is now up to me,” Gatlin said. “I have always loved singing with this group and following the interpretation that Dr. G determines, but it is even more exciting to take a piece of music, determine how it should be performed and why and then to execute that decision.” Gatlin was part of the Chamber Singers from the fall semester of his junior year in 2006 until he graduated, so he said that directing the students only a year or two younger than him was something he had to get use to. “One thing that has been difficult for me has been riding the line between teacher and classmate,” Gatlin said. “The role of a student conductor is a very awkward one because only a few months ago, I was part of the group as a singer, so I feel like an equal to all of the members.” Despite these obstacles, many of the members felt like Gatlin and Light were balancing their roles well. “Brooks and Brad are doing wonderfully,” senior Brian Foy said. “Directing a group is hard enough regardless of its make-up, but directing your peers is even more difficult. They each do a great job of laying down the law, when necessary, without letting it go to their heads.” While not being very far removed from the student role proved to be a challenge in many ways, it also played to Gatlin’s advantage. “Six months ago, Brooks was on the other side of the podium, so his directions are from a fresh member’s perspective, and he can easily see what problems will likely arise in difficult passages,” Foy said. “Thus, he’s very easy to follow.” Gatlin felt equally grateful for the members of the group and knew how essential their student leadership was. “The Chamber Singers are such a talented group that they could almost direct themselves,” he said. “All members of the group can read music well and all have spent years in other choral ensembles before the Chamber Singers. They honestly do make my job much easier and make me look a lot more talented than I really am. I am very grateful for the opportunity I have been given this semester.” Joseph Dickerson and Rachel Klemmer Responsibility Student Directors Take Charge For Semester