2008-2009 Yearbook

music-vocal 227 Row 1: K. Smith, C. Boyd, K. Carlon, J. Carlon, L. Kays, S. Stewart, L. Faust, K. Staley, E. Poe. Row 2: B. Smith, L. Wanamaker, J. Cushman, N. Delgado, S. Yarnell, A. Haynes, S. Brown, M. Dalafave, M. Jacques, J. Levy. Row 3: E. Bradley, H. Rice, L. Pavlova, M. Hall, B. Brown, J. Gibbs, A. Young, A. Strother, M. Hall, A. Hare, S. Vinzant. Row 4: B. Melchers, K. Collins, A. Calcote, M. Yates, R. Thannisch, S. Tucker, K. Hollingsworth, A. Souza, B. Marberry, B. Howell, A. Ellis. Row 5: J. Petty, D. Waugh, A. Miller, K. Caruthers, R. Martin, M. Finch, A. Loy, H. Stewart, B. Howell, T. Tunnell, L. Rushton, E. Kilian. Row 6: C. Snell, L. Bradley, J. Edwards, P. Elliott, K. Dolinger, J. Smith, J. Magness, R. Hill, D. Powell, E. Carter, V. Stewart. Row 7: W. Skelton, B. Miller, L. Shaffer, J. Rampey, K. Cavender, J. Peery, M. Jones, B. Kehl, M. Flynn, S. Eastland, S. Raab, C. Ikheora. Row 8: D. Denman, K. White, S. McBride , M. Finch, J. Gibbs, T. Bailey, H. Iizumi, M. Olds, R. Reely, P. Maugeri, T. Bennett. Row 9: P. Snell, G. Manley, J. Smith, J. Pounders, J. Birus, A. Ward, C. Cain, N. Dorris, E. Locke, J. Easter, S. O’Connor, J. Tesh. Row 1: M. Smith, J. Barnett, E. Walker, C. Moore, J. Queen, N. Wilkinson, N. McCoy, M. Lynn, P. Edmison, B. Foy. Row 2: B. Scharff, E. Harrell, L. Whitten, M. Hammons, R. Hatfield, H. Witt, S. Hackney, C. Pope, S. Fraser, A. Jenkins. Row 3: J. Hughes, J. Fedor, T. Jones, B. Belew, J. Dollins, T. Moan, L. O’Neill, M. Bellamy, L. Glewen, L. Collins. Row 4: L. McLain, J. Tapley, D. Molina, C. Cochran, J. Hall, C. McGill, N. White, J. Cook, T. Kaye, M. Lenon. Row 5: S. Young, C. Fleming, C. Kraus, C. Growns, D. Cressy, E. Burchfield, K. Aldrich, M. Tunnell, B. Light, D. Newburn. Row 6: D. Walton, A. Lytle, C. Frazier, B. Lancaster, A. Ritchie, A. Cochran, M. Parks, B. Ragsdale, S. Vanderburg. Concert Choir HU Chorus A d v e n t u r e Every two years the Harding University Chorus had the chance to sing overseas. In the summer of 2008, they traveled to China. The students and faculty spent time touring different cities, working with the local churches, building ties in the community and encouraging the local Chinese Christians. The group traveled all over China from Beijing to Xian. They were able to see many famous sites, such as the Great Wall and the Forbidden City. While they were in Beijing, the group also got the chance to meet students their own age as they toured the city. “Forming relationships with the students across China was by far the best part about our trip to China,” senior Sarah Hackney said. The purpose of the trip was not only to have fun, but also to encourage missionaries and local Christians in the work they were doing. It was also designed to give current students an opportunity to learn more about China and the different possibilities to serve there. “Though it was not part of our original plan, one of the highlights of our trip was a concert at which money was raised to benefit the victims of the earthquake in the Sichuan province,” Dr. Cliff Ganus, director of choral activities, said. As with every group that traveled to a foreign country, the chorus faced numerous challenges. From flight changes to the basic cultural differences, the group learned to rely on each other and on God to see them through. One thing that set the group back was an earthquake that happened the day they left for China. Even though the group witnessed little physical damage from the earthquake, they were still affected by minor cultural and political aftershocks. “The people were shaken, and you could tell they loved their country and their people the same way we do,” junior Brad Light said. “It made us realize they are no different than we are. The funniest thing about our challenges was the way God provided us a way to be more effective than we would have been in the first place.” Luckily, the chorus had good hosts who helped them each time one of these problems arose. “Our hosts helped us make alternate plans, which were even more rewarding than those that had been scheduled,” Ganus said. Many of the students who went on the trip felt it was a blessing to see a different side of Chinese people’s humanity. There were also times that the group used their influence and their own money to support the work going on to aid the people affected by the earthquake. “It was a great outreach opportunity, and we amazed many people by our caring generosity,” senior Mandy Finch said. In spite of the challenges from everyday life and the traveling that the group had to do, each person came home with a new lesson learned. Whether it was something about himself or herself or something about the Chinese culture they never knew, everyone now had a place for China in their hearts. “The food was not my favorite, the traveling was very hard and plans didn’t always work out; but God provided, and we were so blessed our entire trip,” Hackney said. “Knowing that we had been everywhere that was shown on the Olympics was fun; however, forming the precious relationships we have with those people is what will always be imprinted on my heart and mind. God is a good God, and we are so blessed.” Farron Martin Members Of Chorus Spend Summer Performing In China