2008-2009 Yearbook

18 student life The Homecoming musical “Oklahoma!” attracted many students, faculty, locals and alumni during the Oct. 24-26 Homecoming weekend. Many knew friends or relatives that played the lead roles or participated in the ensemble, but one man who held all of these pieces together could not be seen center stage. Professor of communications Robin Miller was the director for the musical and had directed many previous Homecoming musicals. Miller came to Harding as a student in 1973, graduated in 1977 and returned in 1980 as a professor in the theater department. In 1985, Miller began directing the Homecoming musicals and directed most of the musicals since that year. Miller said that working with the students was his motivation for staying at Harding for over 20 years. “[I’m still here because I’m] working in a place to see students grow and in a place I can share God,” Miller said. Over the years, Miller always wanted to teach. He said it was a part of who he was, and he could not get away from it. “Many years ago I thought about changing [jobs], but it’s what I’m drawn to,” Miller said. “It’s working with people that I care about.” Miller did not always have the most conventional class settings since some of his classes were held in the rehearsal hall, but he still felt that these times with students were vital. He enjoyed seeing students use their skills and learn something new at the same time. Miller had one big lesson that he wanted his students to learn. “[Their] identity is not in their job, their role or the applause when the show is over,” Miller said. “It’s in Christ.” Performing in the Homecoming musical “Oklahoma!”, senior Elizabeth Harrell is serenaded Oct. 23 by senior David Walton. Harrell and Walton played Laurey Williams and Curly McClain, two of the leading characters in the Rodgers and Hammerstein musical. Noah Darnell Rachel Filbeck, a junior, sings a section from “The Farmer and the Cowman” in the musical “Oklahoma!” on Oct. 23. Fillbeck portrayed Aunt Eller, a witty older woman who was not afraid to put even the toughest of men in their places. Noah Darnell Robin Miller, director of the Homecoming musical, instructs a member of the cast during practice Oct. 9 in the Benson Auditorium. For 23 years, Miller directed Harding’s Homecoming musicals. Noah Darnell While trying to give senior Linzi Lawson a “Persian Goodbye”, Jared Cook, a senior, is caught in the act by sophomore Sam Barker. “It was difficult to get the timing right with the kissing scene even though I didn’t have to do much throughout the scene,” Lawson said. “I was just supposed to be there and let them do their thing.” Noah Darnell