2008-2009 Yearbook

188 academics college of nursing what’s name? in a While working at the Chimala Mission Hospital in Tanzinia, senior Jessica Snell draws her own blood to give to a young boy on July 30. This campaign went to Tanzinia every summer and was under the direction of Professor Janis Bingim. Courtsey of Eric Swanson Senior Gwendolyn Scott draws fellow senior Sweta Lukhi’s blood during their community nursing class on Sept. 26. This class was practicing for a wellness screening they participated in the following week. Courtsey of Sweta Lukhi Senior Laura Reeder cares for a woman while on the Gutamala health care mission during the spring 2008 semester. This was one of the many health care mission campaigns that occured through the nursing department. Courtsey of Hannah Buzhardt The Olen Hendrix Center was dedicated to Olen Hendrix on September 20, 1975. Hendrix, born in 1909, received only an 8th grade education but started his own business during the Great Depression. He made many improvements while on the State Senate and was twice a delegate to the National Democratic Convention. He served on the board of trustees of Harding University since 1964 and was conferred with an honorary doctorate of law by the university in 1989. Hendrix passed away Wednesday, August 5, 1998.