2008-2009 Yearbook

14 student life Members of Ko Jo Kai and Ju Go Ju stare into the distance as deer caught in the headlights on March 22, 2008, in their show, “The Night Before Christmas.” Members included sophomore Jordan Stephens, senior Ali Standridge, recent graduates Abby Wilson and Tiffany Berken and senior Emily Burroughs. Jeff Montgomery Singing a solo, junior David Walton performs March 22, 2008. Walton sang Josh Groban’s “Machine” accompanied by the Harding Jazz Band. Jeff Montgomery Sophomore Todd Sanders and senior Catherine Canterbury salute in the Zeta Rho and TNT show, “When ‘Over There’ was Over” on March 22, 2008. The show portrayed love sick girls searching for their U.S. soldiers and soul mates after World War II. Jeff Montgomery