2008-2009 Yearbook

166 academics art/music Freshman Elisa Hester and sophomore Andrea Knappe play their violins during an orchestra practice on Sept. 9. The Harding University/Community Orchestra met every Monday night and performed their first real concert of the year on Dec. 8. Nick Michael Freshmen interior design majors Katie Balkenbusch, Taylore Massa and Camille Lifsey sit in on the first American Society of Interior Design meeting on Sept.1. Activities throughout the year included monthly meetings, a guest speaker, fundraisers and service projects. Nick Michael 2-D design, color theory and sculpture Professor Greg Clayton cuts a watermelon at the art department’s watermelon social on Sept. 1. This event gave fellow art majors a chance to get together and talk about the upcoming year. Noah Darnell The Reynolds Center, completed in 1993, was funded entirely by a grant from the Donald W. Reynolds Foundation of Las Vegas. The foundation was created in honor of Reynolds, a 1927 graduate of the University of Missouri School of Journalism, for his great achievements as a businessman. After his death in 1993, a large sum of money from his business ventures went to his foundation, which provided funds for several buildings in the U.S., including Harding’s music and communication building. what’s name? in a