2008-2009 Yearbook

146 leadership As Harding continued to grow in 2008, old administration positions were filled and new ones were created. Dr. Larry Long, Vice President of Academic Affairs, had a busy summer trying to define roles and meet the leadership needs of various departments on campus. A large part of that process was hiring a new dean to oversee the College of Bible, as well as two brand new dean positions in the College of Communication and Graduate Studies. “The two new positions are a part of our overall plan to look at the growing areas of our university,” Long said. One of the new positions created was Dean of Graduate Studies, which was filled by Dr. Cheri Yecke. Long said with more than 20 graduate programs in place, there was a need for administrative leadership. Yecke brought a wealth of experience with her having served under the George W. Bush administration in the U.S. Department of Education, and she most recently worked for former Governor Jeb Bush in Florida as the Chancellor of K12 Education. “My first task is to bring consistency and coordination to graduate programs and make strong programs run more efficiently,” Yecke said. “I love Harding and Searcy. It’s a wonderful and warm atmosphere, and I’m delighted to be here.” Dr. Mike James moved from the Communication Department Chair to the Dean of the brand new College of Communication. “It has been a multi-year project,” James said. “It started when we began to realize we were larger in a lot of areas than some of the other departments. As a college, we will get the chance to spread our wings a little.” With more than 30 faculty and staff, the College of Communication had grown at a rapid pace. James said he expected more growth in the years to come and also mentioned he started investigating the development of new programs, which included a master’s degree. “Our biggest challenge will be space,” James said. “Right now we just don’t have the room.” The College of Bible and Religion saw a familiar face fill the role of dean in 2008. Harding graduate Dr. Monte Cox moved from associate dean to dean. Cox said that though his duties had not drastically changed, he had a definite vision for the College of Bible and Religion. “We have a major five-year strategy plan, which includes a complete overhaul of curriculum,” Cox said. “We want to continue to teach knowledge but emphasize more than just knowledge.” Also among Cox’s goals were a remodel and possible expansion of the McInteer Bible Building, as well as decreasing the size of freshmen Bible classes. While the visions of the new Harding administrators varied, their one common goal was to focus their colleges around Harding’s mission. Long said he was very pleased with the new selections. “I have great confidence in these three individuals,” Long said. “I see them as visionary leaders and people that can get things done.” Zach Welch Additions\three new deans appointed \