2008-2009 Yearbook

Sophomore Austin Wade gets cbser to a giant tree 001. 25 1.0 t.a<e a poctL<e o-e of !.he !.hngs !.he g"-P €r"CCU1terEd was hug::! treas, SQITIE! with pjsonous leaves, that most had onty seen in scary movies Courtesy of Katie McKeever A group of five guys hrt the trail on a 25-kit:rneter hl<e t.hrOJgh the sma Burra ra~faest 001. 25. Vvhi3 arother gcx..p _t m a sfn1e- hl<e, scme of !.he guys deedEd to go m a 'man tike' wtlch ffitEd almost all day. Courtesy of Russell Woods Sophomore Rebecca Jones stri<es up Ire COUrEQ8 to Plt a wid py1h:ln 001. 25. SUrplsrgf;, !.he snake was !.he most hatmi3ss !.hrg !.he gr"-P encaJ1terEd m ttBr jourrey througo !.he rainfaest Courtesy of Rebecca Jones fall overseas students 133