2008-2009 Yearbook

Messina and another campaigner sit rusde of A.rmstrcrg Hgh Scrod in Rchmord, Va, m Sept. 8 M8S9na acd h3r oo-V\O'ke(s vvere there to ercouage irTB"-city stL.dents to te:x::fne registered voters Courtesy of Jane Messina Over 3 million flock to D.C. to take part in the historic Inauguration ceremony of the country's 44th president BaJack ()t)ama on Jan. 20. The McNair Scholars were able to atterd the 8\I8flt thanks in pgrt to sr:;onsc:::fship frcm f-larding. Courtesy of Linda Thompson Holding up their signs, 0::eIm SLQXrtas danard ct>a'"ge at the B~I Onton raJ~ in Rchrn:x1d, Va., O'l Oct.12. W"hile wQrNng on the campaign. Messina was able to attend several rallies. Courtesy ofJane Messina second semester students 129