2008-2009 Yearbook

Star Eleven years of Harding entertainment B eEote the curtains were pulled back, many Spring Sing performers at1.'{iousiy went over last minute details in their heads to calm themselves, but for graduate studentJoshua Lundin, being in Spring Sing was just as narural as walking. Lundin, who was working tov,.mds a master's degree in Business Management and Leadership, had been involved in 10 Spring Sing shows. !-lis first show "vas during his undergradu,'l.te work in 1999 when he joined friends in the Alpha Tau and GATA sho\V: From then on Lundin said he was "hooked," For the ne.xt two years, Lundin was the director for the Alpha Tau and GATA shO'w; and in 2001, Lundin made the Spring Sing ensemble and participated with them ever since. After he received his undergraduate degree, Lundin continued to be involved with Spring Sing by being a choreographer for the ensemble and hosts and hostesses. He also had roles in several different club acts. In 2006, Lundin returned to Harding for graduate school. ''1 was excited because this way I could try out for ensemble again," he said. "I definitely like the performing aspect. I love to be on stage and have fun." Besides the performing aspect of Spring Sing, Lundin also loved returning to work with the people. "Coming back to work with the hosts and hostesses and ensemble, I have formed some gocx:! relationships and great fuendships," he said. ''111at's how I met some of my best friends." One such person was Harding graduate Sean Tappe, who was part of the ensemble in 2002 and 2003 'with Lundin. Lundin was also in his wedding, and the tWO were able to keep in touch because Tappe lived in Searcy after graduating. "\''(Ie didn't know each other before ensemble, but we met there and became best friends," Tappe said. "\'V'e went on to do a lot more than Spring Sing and the [Homecoming] musical. We roomed together for a while after that [and] really lived the college experience together." When he was not devoting his time to Spring Sing, Lundin worked as a senior COSt accountant for Blue Cross and Blue Shield in IJttle Rock. "I spend all day at work exercising dle left side of my brain, and then I get to come to Spring Sing practice and exercise the creative, or right, side of my brain," Lundin said. In addition to Spring Sing, Lundin did other choreography work. He worked with Bryant High School's show choir, the Central Arkansas Christian drama departrnent and Riverview High School cheerleaders. He also attended Zumba, an aerobic dance class at the Searcy Athletic Club, on a regular basis. Lundin also participated in and helped choreograph a few Harding Homecoming musicals, including 'Joseph and the Technicolor Dream Coat," "Fiddler on the Roof" and ''Wizard of Oz," and in the fall of 2008, he was a co-choreographer for "Oklahoma!" . From being an accountant 'where he wore a suit to coming to Spring Sing practice where he wore a sequined costume, Lundin dedicated himself to the many different facets of his life and proved to be an asset to the a~tivities in which he was involved. Christie Cronk "Joshua shares OUf passion for excellence. His talent as a performer and a choreographer is a welcome addition to the Spring Sing staff." Dr Steven Frye. Noah Darnell "Even though we frequently crack jokes about him being older, we have so much fun together. He doesn't act his age at all when he is around us." Senior Bizabeth Harrell Nick Michael J.Cliff Ganus, a 2007 graduate, and graduate student Joshua Lundin roo up 2CXl8 graduate Jllen ShackElford" April 2CXl8 The 2OJ9 Sf)'lrg .s:rg sh::JNwas Lurdin's sev€f1th year as an ensemoo IBiCffi"loS'f Courtesy of Joshua Lundin Graduate student Joshua Lundin and 2002 graduate Alex Wells shg to 2OC6 goouate M3y C3trerire ~ m:J 2CXX3 gaJuate 1-00 Sprgstm " I'pri 2CXJ2 The boys _8 sereradirg tffi girls in thG 'Fabubus F~es' prcducton Courtesy of Joshua Lundin Lundin cxn:mtJates m hs chxeograrhf cIuir\] tffi 2OC6 Sp'g Srg 9:oN III April. This was tre q:;ening numro for the "Tcon In!' cartoon-themed slY:Mr Courtesy of Joshua Lundin Acting out their parts as a pirates, gra::lL.ate stL.dent ...bshua Lurdn am IJnior Davd Waltm pertam In tffi 2CXl8 Spnrg Srrg 9:oN theroo:J 'Toon h!' TIis scene was a pirate mEdley with scogs from the movie "Mupr:>et Treasure IsIard ' Courtesy ofJoshua Lundin graduate students 125