2008-2009 Yearbook

Helping Students engage in disaster relief UBeing part of a team of college students that decided to serve rather than be served was a blessing that I was able to witness." Freshman James RLCker Noah Darnell When the US. was hicon September 13, 2008, by its third largest hurricane, Ike, the Harding student body realized they needed to hetp. With over $27 billion in damages and over 82 deaths, Hurricane Ike ravaged the coastline, costing many families their homes and ways of life. Several weeks after the initial damage, over 20 students left for their fall break co serve the people in southern Texas who were hit the worst by the hurricane and in need of clean up help. The group worked in conjunction with several other ministry groups from around the Lubbock, Texas, area to clean up the damage, which was more shocking than many students thought it would be. "] was expecting there to be only a little damage left that required lots of manpower," juniorJustin Barrios said. "But when we gOt there, it looked like the hurricane [had] come through only three days before." The group put their efforts into picking up branches, clearing debris, tearing out drywall, mucking out houses, making minor repairs and praying with the owners of each house. When seeing all the damage that was done, there were several reactions throughout the group. "1 didn't expect the graffiti everywhere sa}~ng things like 'owner will shoot looters'," senior Alex Cantrell said. ''Things can be replaced, but seeing these people's emotions sprayed across dilapidated buildings was heart-wrenching." Some of the group members were surprised at how real "To be at a point in our lives where we can afford to go serve those who are in need is a blessing, and it was a great opportunity for God to bless them through us." Sophomore Ky1e Crafts. Noah Darnell 122 people ~ This T-shirt hangs in the tent 'IoItlere dinrer is seNed to th3lf.Cfkers Cf1 Oct 16 in south I-'oJston Am:1'g aI of the damage, the sm seMld as a rernrde< that suMvaJ was r...." "",t was mportant Noah Darnell Sophomore Marchel Morningstar Sits high up In a treE! v...tlile cutting doM1 brokef1lmbs Oct 16 1rere were many faJm ard sr'i trees frem the starns in the area. Noah Darnell Sophomore Rachel Gelpi helps sort thrOU\!1 aJ the rubIJje of "",t USOO to be a home Oct 16 ThIs was a common &ght for the students on the trip ard made them very thankflj that they were able to MP these famvies Noah Darnell Students gather to say a p-ayer together ak:x"lg Vvrth other resK1ents of south i-txJston Oct 16. Students fClUed ths an 'WI'cpnate ime to thell< GOO for the ~ they had. as IM3I as to bless ther IMXk on the trp Noah Darnell the situation became once they saw the damaged homes up close. ''You don't understand what is reaUy being lost until you are there lookingat it aU with your own eyes and seeing what these people have lost," freshman Erin Stone said. Although it had been several weeks since Ike hit, dle group said there was still a lot of work to be done. There still remained cleaning to finish, houses to fix and rebuild and support to give those who lost either loved ones or their homes in the hurricane. Stone said that just the group being there to clean up helped these individuals who had so little. Although the cleanup work was hard on the students, even harder was the realization that people's entire lives were now in trash heaps. ''1('s never easy to throw someone's [belongings) out OntO a sidewalk so that a dump truck can haul it away," sophomore Jonathan Moury said. "lc just reminded me over and over again that this world is truly not my home." Ultimately, the group hoped their fall break mission gave hope to the hurricane victims. "I hope we left them with a sense of security and hope." Stone said. "Hope for the future and for a life after the flood and security so that they would know that Jesus is always there to hold them when the water starts to pour in aU around dlem. And that no matter what He will be there to see them through." Christie Cronk and Katie Ramirez