2007-2008 Yearbook

evangelize 74 [people] Woodroofs serve God through Avanti Italia After graduation,manyHarding students embarked on various mission opportunities,seizing their new,post-college freedom.They devoted a couple of years to spreading the gospel before settling down into their regular jobs. For David and Debbie Woodroof, this process happened in reverse. David, who was director of media services for almost 25 years, and Debbie, an instructor in the communication department, were already settled and employed when they felt the call to the mission field. For the Woodroofs, the plan was set in motion once the Avanti Italia director’s job became open. Robbie and Mona Shackelford, directors of the Harding University in Florence (HUF) program, planted the idea of interviewing for the position in the couples’ heads.The Shackelfords, who were high school friends of David, informed the Woodroofs about the opening position for the Avanti Italia director. “We would never pick ourselves,” Debbie Woodroof said about their decision to work with Avanti Italia. “We never thought we would put the hat of missionary on.” However,God had a different plan for them.While visiting Debbie’s sister in Dallas, the Woodroofs heard a sermon on answering God’s call on His terms or on your own.The message hit the Woodroofs hard. After church, the entire family went to a restaurant and ran into an old college friend along with 13 of his friends who were all involved with Avanti Italia.The message was loud and clear for the Woodroofs.They were being called to Italy. The Woodroofs had been on campaigns to Italy during the summer of 2007 and taught at HUF in the summer of 2004. They also credited a great deal of their preparedness to their time in Searcy.The interaction with numerous Bible professors and speakers, as well as the students they came in contact with through the university, were invaluable. Through the program, the Woodroofs would be able to spread God’s word in a variety of ways. Avanti Italia, which meant “Evangelize Italy,” was founded by Howard Bybee, who had been a missionary to Italy for 24 years. It was a two-year program for college graduates interested in being missionaries in Italy.Once those interested raised the money, they traveled to Florence to engage in a rigorous three- to four-month Italian language school. Once the workers had conquered the language, they were considered for placement. The work done by Avanti Italia missionaries was largly based on the needs of the church. “They try to match the church’s needs with a worker,”DebbieWoodroof said. “If a church has a large number of children, they might be interested in having a puppet ministry. Some request workers to teach the people English using the Bible.” The Woodroofs had no set length of time that they would stay, just as long as the Lord willed them. “We’re excited and terrified at the same time,” Debbie Woodroof said. “It’s been an emotional roller coaster.” [Jennifer Harris] italy