2007-2008 Yearbook

Senior Jordan Harguess puzzles over algebra equations Aug. 24 with Upward Bound students on the front lawn. “It’s a great way for students to prepare for the upcoming school year,” Harguess said. “It gives them a chance to be ahead instead of behind.” [Courtesy of LaNell Stamps] AnUpwardBoundstudent listens for imaginary breathing during CPR training with Wayne Westerholm of Harding’s Public Safety on June 6. While the boys learned CPR, the Upward Boundgirls learned SHARP—sexual harrassment and rape prevention. [Courtesy of LaNell Stamps] [ 52 [people] [ Extension Family Life Specialist for the Universtity of Arkansas Dr. H. Wallace Goddard instructs Upward Bound students in a workshop Jan. 27. The workshop dealt with managing conflict within a family unit. [Jonathan Lindsay]