2007-2008 Yearbook

Junior Marcus Binns watches toddlers at Eric’s House, a home for street boys, Sept. 12. Eric’s House was one of several children’s homes at Namwianga. [Courtesy of Jillian Lemons] W i t h a sm i l e , sophomore Jillian Lemonsplayswith Bianca, a baby at Haven One, the orphanage at Namwianga, on Sept. 12. Most students visited the orphanage a few t imes a week. [Courtesy of Jillian Lemons] Grinding stick in hand, junior FarronMartin participates in a traditional dance in Kasibi, Zambia on Oct. 13. The bowl was used to grind maize, grain and corn nuts into powder for cooking. [Courtesy of Kelsey Scranton] [hiz] 47 Kalomo, Zambia Eagertolearn,sophomore Matthew Leroy dances with localchildrenonthe 700-acre Namwianga missioninZambiaSept.28. Dancingwasa largepart of the Zambian culture. [Courtesy of Sarah Hackney]