2007-2008 Yearbook

Enjoying their dinner at theSeaHorseClub,senior LeslieWilkinsonand junior RachelHooperchatwith friends on Feb.1. TheSea Horse Club overlooked the Nile River in Egypt. [Courtesy of Rachal Blake] At a coffee shop in Porto Rafti, Greece, juniors Deborah Kady, Joni Cutshall, Rachel Hooper and Ashley Green study outside on January 19, 2007. The girls were reading together for their humanities class that afternoon. [Courtesy of Rachal Blake] On camelback, the HUG group travels across Nubia in Southern Egypt in February 2007. “The camels stunk really, really badly,” junior Kevin Lillis said. [Courtesy of Kevin Lillis] Next to the Temple of Philae in Egypt, HUG students look out over the water on Feb. 2. The ruins had survived more than 2,000 years. [Courtesy of Rachal Blake] [hug] 41 Athens, Greece