2007-2008 Yearbook

HUE Students invade red carpet premier In the fall of 2007, students in Harding University England (HUE) were part of a crowd who experienced their 15 minutes of fame. Sophomore Lolli McCarty was part of that group. She had the opportunity to see Hollywood starlet Michelle Pfeiffer from a short distance and be an interviewee for the London press at the premiere of the movie “Stardust”, starring Pfeiffer and Claire Danes. As soon as class dismissed one day, the HUE students planned a mad dash to the Leicester Square, home to the OdeonTheater,which was the hottest location for big London film premieres. After hearing about the premiere, they decided to arrive just in time to get a glimpse of the red carpet events.They chose a perfect spot in front of the red carpet and waited for the next seven hours out in the freezing cold. “As time went by, we learned all the ins and outs of film premieres, from barricading the crowd, to red carpet, to set design and press briefing,” McCarty said. “They dressed it to look like some sort of magical fairyland place which made it even more exciting!” Eventually, the press arrived.This was when the students’nationality came into play. Film crews wanted interviews with the Americans unaccustomed to film premieres, something the London crowd experienced on countless occasions. According to McCarty, the press was strangely excited to talk to them. As for their ability to be interviewed by the inquisitive reporters, McCarty was not sure they were effective. “Needless to say,many of their probing questions were followed [on] our part by blank stares, unintelligible murmuring and raucous laughter,” McCarty said. “It was pretty embarrassing but funny to watch on the news later.” After many hours of waiting, the celebrities joined the scene. Finally, Pfeiffer joined them on the red carpet.McCarty said getting celebrities’ attention could be hard work.Magazine, newspaper and television crews were all wanting to get that great shot for the next edition. “The paparazzi immediately start taking pictures for magazines which [the stars] have to look pretty for, and then their attention is immediately captured by the press who want to interview them,”McCarty said. But this did stopMcCarty. She said she screamed, hollered and yelled Pfeiffer’s name until, after about 10 minutes and perhaps a sore throat, she got a response. Pfeiffer turned and waved for McCarty’s camera. Most students would agree Harding’s study abroad programs opened an endless number of opportunities like this for everyone… cameraready or not. “Probably one of my favorite things about the HUE program is that you get to live within walking distance of such an amazing opportunity,” McCarty said. Who knew overseas programs included red carpet and celebrity life? [Karol Figueroa] 38 [student life]