2007-2008 Yearbook

Enjoying the sunset, sophomoreCoryJumper relaxes on Sugarloaf Mountain on Sept. 29. Jumper and some of his friends climbed the mountain for the view. [Courtesy of Cory Jumper] Impersonating Elvis Presley, senior Andi McConnell shows off her skills in Memphis on Sept. 15. McConnell went with some friends on an impulse trip to explore the city. [Courtesy of Andi McConnell] Feeding a goat, junior Nathan Ramirez enjoys the White County Fair Sept. 15. Many Harding students went to the fair to enjoy the attractions. [Chris Hamilton] Enjoying a beautiful day at Heber Springs on Sept. 29, sophomores Witney Whitaker, Tim Lybrand and Jordan Pence get ready to head out on the lake. Thegroup rentedaboat for the day to go tubing on Greer’s Ferry Lake. [Courtesy of Cory Jumper] [weekend life] 35