2007-2008 Yearbook

Being a college student involved many expenses. Harding students worked hard on and off campus to pay for tuition, gas and fun activities with friends.Many worked not just for the money but also because they enjoyed what they did. Sophomore Caitlin Easley worked at Maurices and loved her job. “I love helping customers throw an outfit together before a big event, the other associates I work with and the style of clothing that we sell,” Easley said. “Honestly, I have one of the best jobs!” According to Easley, the money she earned mostly went to bills, shopping, gas, music from iTunes and just getting by. “Being a college student is tough because it involves spending tons of money,” junior Lesley Pineda explained. According to Pineda, being a waitress at Ryan’s Steakhouse was very busy and stressful. “The money I earn helps to pay for gas and for any shopping I have to do,” Pineda said. Other Harding students found jobs on campus.Junior Andrea Sagredo, who worked as a lab attendant at the Brackett Library, said it was the most convenient job because she did not need a car to go to work. “It is a very relaxing job, and I have fun helping out people with anything I can,” Sagredo said. Sagredo’s job worked best for her because when no one needed assistance at the library, she used that free time to work on her art projects. Her money, like many students’, was spent on going out with friends. Sophomore Misha Apple worked in the Alpha Chi National Office. The thing she liked most about her job was the laid back atmosphere. “The ladies I work with make it an environment where I never wake up dreading going to the office,” Apple said. Apple also said she worked there because the office was on campus, so she did not have far to go, and they worked her hours around her class schedule. “I could not think of anywhere else that would be better for me to work,” Apple said. [Laura Navarro] the daily grind 32 [student life] Students work hard but enjoy time spent