2007-2008 Yearbook

296 [index] Beecy C.mlyn J (Gradune). Beene Alex.nder G (Fresh=n) 282. Beggs Kyle Sceven (Freshm.n) 1160TrinityTrI, S'lin.w. TX,76I ll .4916.106.272 Behel Jimmy (F.eulty) 15l. Belcher jennifer Nieo~ (Grad~te). Be le w Cristi"" Renee (Freshman) 25414 Stone Mill Ln. Spriog.TX. 77)7).6017. Be ll CherylA (Graduote). Colby L (Freshm.n) 13728 Hwy 145. Me Cmry, AR. 72101. 106.256. D.niel G (Senior) 10736 Oxbow Hts.White Lake. MI. 410386. 256 Fleming (Faculty) 153,208 Jame. E(Freshm.n) 4480 Lucerne Road.lndi.n•. PA,IS701. F'lomclill Ann (Gr.dullte). ""'tel"" A (Sophomore) 216 Jennings S~Wen ufloyene.IN.47906.256. Rhonda (hculty) 153. Tomothy A (Fresh=n) 106 OllkVIIIie)' Cin:le. Sellrcy.AR. 721H. Bellcock Amber N (Freshnlln) 48 Slue Mountian Dr.. M.umelle.AR. 72lll. 106. Bellen Mich.el Andrew (Senior) 57. Penelope Dawn (Senior) 611 W Cemer A~e, Se.rcy.AR. 72143. 57. Bello H.beeb A (Senior) 21111 Alv.r Plllee. C.rson. CA. 90745 Benbow Bry.nAndrew (Juniof") '1002 Skyline BI~d. Teurla"",TX. 75503. 186. Bender JillillnA (Sophomore) 1211 jeff Davis Drive.Tyle..-. TX, 75703. 89 Paulo Eli",beth (Gn.duue). Benlncosa Amy L(Sophomore) P.O. eo" 181 S. Bentonville. AR.72712 C..ey E(Senior) 1402 Headlee Heiihts. Seney. AR,72143. Be nnett Cecelill Renee (G",dune) Devon M (Fre"'lll3ll) 9'1 Sunset CtoC~.... ville.WV.255089784. Be nskin OllnieiT (Freshm.n) 11304 Prairie 001TrI, Austin.TX 78750. JoJ""" E Uunior) PO 80. Il7.Yend~ NR. 77. 202. 217.218.219. Bentley David C Uunior) PO 80" 935 Village Market, N.irobi. 00621. 77. 2....... Jennifer R (Senior)Viliage Market PO 80" 935. Nairobi. I. 2H July>. H (Sophomore) 156'14 5Widmer. Olathe, KS,66062. 213. 255. Benton J.lc:lri M (Sophomore) 212W.Wintergreen Rd. Apt 207'.l. o..SOto.TX. nil 5. .J-eIWes.ley (Sophomon!) 928 Hwy 367 N. Juckonia.AR.72061. 269. KII)'b Benay (Freshman) 171 Triple M Rd. Searcy, AR. 72 143. M.rk (F.culty) 142. Be'1[er John R (Senior) 2117 So)Jth M Street. Fort Smith,AR, 7290 I.57. 252 Be rgsma Deborah E(Senior) '11 17 Acu"'net. CorpYs Christi.TX. 78413. 57. 217. 224. Berken nfbny H (Junior) 6108Williei'" une. Colleyville. TX.76034.I80.251. Be rrens fesskaA (Freshmlln) 1405 St. frarocis une. Flowf,r Mound.TX. 75028.106.224. Berry Chri.copher Lloyd (Sophomore) 1135 Dearini Ro~d. Memphis,TN. 38 117 jennifer A (Senior) 1219 Coron~do une. Duncarwille.TX. 75 Il7. 57. 207. K.therine M (Senior) 1135 De.rini Ro.d, Memphis.TN. 381 17, 58. le.h Kay (Sophomore) 11 107 Alhambn..Austin. TX78759.1J"L l eslie (G",duole). Berryhill Sonnie (Senior) 128. Be rryma n Marle (hculty) 217. Betts uuren Elizat>eth Uunior) 300 [)eo;onshire Drive. Franklin,TN. 3706'1. 252 Be wley Daniel A (Senior). Bibb Regi""ld H (Senior) 1209 5utters Wily. MeS<juile. TX.75181. Bidwell G",yson T (Sophomore) 912 Hilkren Court. Tallahassee, FL. 32306, 244. Bigge rstaff jeffrey Srandt (Sophomon!) 1025 South Clare– mont, Sherwood.AR. 72110.25 I. BIlling Ri» Leigh (G",d~le). Bills K>thryn F(Sophomore) 289 FarminitonTrace. Normandy.TN. 37360. 89. 25S. Norhan (Graduate). Bingham ChristopherA (Sophomore) 380S Glenbrook Dr.Arlingt.on.TX. 7601 5-4004. 89. 2~4. Jllnke (Faculty) 153. Bingma n Adam (Sophomore). Binkley Joe Srw,...". (Senior) 402 Wibon Pike. 8r"ent– wood.TN. 37027. 57. 238. Jordan Mkhllel Uunior) n.259. Kyle 0 (Sophomore) 3809 5Aster A~e. Sroken Arrow. OK. 74011.191.252. M3rk B (Sophomore) 27. 2SS Toylor M (Senior) 216 5 Forest Ridge Blvd, BrokenArrow. OK. 7'1014. 58. Binn$ Marcus A (Junior) 221 Buwson Oaks Or. little Rock.AR, 72210,46 Mason 0 (Senior) 58. Bin:.kholtz Kristen 0 (Juniot") 2 Morse BrooI< Or.South Pari.. ME.0i281. Birdwell Melinda une Uunior) 67B5 28th Ave N. Solint Petersburg. FL. 33710. 77. 255. Bishop Shane Allen Uunior) 217 Pump Hill Road. Dickson.TN.H055. Su...n E(Graduue). Bittle JoshWl M (G",dullte). Bjella nd Solmanth:a Kay (Freshman) 3233 220th Street. MIIrshlllitown.1A. SO I58. Black .Io-Pallick (freshman) 2 Erin Dr.Searcy.AR. 72143. Shannon Elliott (G",duale) Blackburn Beth.ny C (Freshman) 21797 MoriiO! Or,8oc3 Raton. FL, 33428. Lindsey M (Senior) 5U4 Jam.k. Cir. No Richlan<l Hills.TX. 76180_6574. 185. Blackerby Aaron K (FreshfNn) 1837 Solndy Ridge Ct. ur– roIlton.TX 75007_3008, 106, 200, 248. 8lackst>ear Mud L Uunior) IS98Waters Edie Drive. Orange Park. flo 32(0), 255. Blackston Kimberly Anne (G,.d~le) 81ackwell Paige L(Senior) 8504 E 107 St.Tul••. OK. 74133. Blackwell Jenny Leiih (Graduate). Blair Ale".nderT (Senior) 1S30~ N.dine, Fraser, MI. 48026. Daniel N (Freshman) ~807 Maurine Ct. Gai"",– vil~.'IA.20155.106.259. Jacob 0 (Juniof") 1286 Mlltthews une. f':I.rle Hill.. M0.6l601. ucey M (Freshmln) 72~ 8a.rh..... St.Tomball. TX. 77375. 106. Blake Brituny L (Senior) 104 Nob Hill. Red Oak.TX. 7S 1H-252. joelA (Sophomore) 328 11 Couple. Court. Magnolil .TX, 77354. 259. M..y Rachal Uunior) 212 j~mie Drive.White– house,TX, 75791. n. 199.226. Rebe<::c~ J (Senior) 212 J~mie Or.Whitehouse. TX 75791. Blakely AJysi.II Yvette (G",duue). Bl..kemore u'" Unn (Sophomore) 1905 Seminole, Me<– quite.TX. 75 149. Bl..ncha rd Jerm.ine S (Sophomore) 6207 G~rden Cv. Memphis.TN. 381 14.279.287. Bl..nd Rella Lynn (Graduate). Blankenship Rebecca Lynne (Graduate). Blansett Amanda Lyn (Seniof"). Lyn (Sufi) 160. Bledsoe Cm"'" Adam (Senior). Bieiful Surt. DtIlile (Gndu/lte). SJocicburler Su-»n K;I)'e (G",duate). Bloomster Heather N (Freshman) 187 Leasure Or, Picker. ington. OH.4l147. 106.247. Blount uura M;chelle (Senior) 57. 22l. 248. Bo..tm..n Kimberly A (Senior) 901 uvender Cove. Pflugerville.TX. 78660. 29. 57. 207. 247. Boatright Stephen Christopher (Sophomore) 200 Hickory Creek une. Uttle Rodc.AR. 72212. Bobrowski Pn:emysbw (Senior) UL Kopernika. 20116. 15l77 Billystok.58.132. Boe hrlg Se.n P (Senior) 347 Cross Street. Ch.,leston, SC. 29407. 33. BOe n Jacqueline Danelle (Senior) 16800Valley Falls Drive. Little Rock.AR, 72223. 58. 259. Boe ving K.yIeigh O~wn Beth (Senior) 1417 Mudow_ brook une. Poplar Bluff, MO. 61901. 58. 25 I. Bogard Sriuney (Senior) 5421 U'IE OAK OR.. Smithton. IL 62285-37+1. 58. Bon s Jeff (Graduate). BOlle Angela O;\Wn (Graduate) BOlOS 8rittany E (Sophomore). Bolinge r Kenneth Ray (Graduue). BOiling Howard F",nk (Sophomore) 2101 Wuerloo Cin:le. Uw",I>Ce-<ille. GA, lOCH3,89. 2....... 245. 262. 276. Bolton Undny M (Sophomon!) 340 u Quinu Clr N. Keller,TX.76248, Bommer Aaron L (Freshmln) Tere~ Elrown.8452 Brad– dock. $,aIm Louis. MO. 63132. Bond BenjaminT",vis (Freshman) I HS C.lhoun Drive. Conway.AR.72034.106. C.,11l Daphne (G",duate). Gco'le F (Seniof"). K.yb J (Freshm.n) 4903 Driftwood Drive. liverpool. NY. 1)088, 106. Tyler l (Seniof") I74S Calhoun Drive, COIIW;I)'", AR. 72034. Bone Coortney L (Sophornon:) 4101 Lows,TeutIQ"". TX.7S501.89. Judy H (G",dullte). Bonnell K.rI~ Lynn (Graduate) Bonner Megan Renee (Grllduate). 8 0 ntral e r Daniel R (Senior) 4618 29th St. Lubbock.TX. 79410. Book Amanda (G",d~te) Keith E Book. 27 Roosevek St. ii2. Revere. HA. 02151.255. Heidi (Sophomon!) 27 Roosevelt Street. Revere. HA.02151.2S5. Booke r Philip (Suff) 160. Phili~ (Graduate) 1070 Monterrey. BelumOnt. TX.77706. Boone John (Sufi) I 60. Booth o..slree J (Sophomore) 21 I Irene Avenue. Moriarty. NM.8703S. Klthy Jo (Graduate). MOf"IIIn L(Senior) 4620 Hunter Cir. Ch.ot_ unoop.TN.174IS.IB6. nmothyA (Sophomore) 5140 Sunset Drive, I'IIlltine.IL60067.201. Whitney 0 (Sophomore) 1224 Counts Ferry Rd. Le"lnlton. SC. 29072. 89. 244. Boothe Cedi (Faculty) I S3. Bo~hers Andy (F.culty) 216. Anna R (Sophomore) 6000 Sunnyd.le. Clarkston. MI. 48346. 89. Boreng..sser Aaron P(G",duote) 123 BO'1[elt Jo"'~ 0 (Junior) IS864W IlthAvenue. GoIOen.Co. 80401. Solrah L (Sophomore) IS864W IlthAve. Golden. Co. 80401.90. Borre' April 8rooke (G",duote). Borshelm Vanessa M Uunior) 8825 N Atlas Rd, H.yden, 10, 83815_7679.27.77.252. Boss Tyler M (Sophomore) 2358Vinegate Or, W;cl>iu. Ks'67226. BO$t De.! (Sufi) 160. Boswe ll »meson S (Freshman) 1236 County R~d 759, jonesboro.AR.7240 I. Bourdea u RouT (Sophomore) 3 Pine St., &ldwinsville, NY. 11027.272 Bowde n Seth T (Freshman) 3850 Cleary Drive. Paduc.h. K'!'.~2001.106. Bowdle r Ashley Nicole (Gn.dWlte). Bowe n AndreI Michel~ (Senior) ss. Jeni Beth (G",duue). Sh.UerA (Sophomore) 1400 Elmwood Drive. Huntsville.AL. 35801. 90. 2'18. Bowe r Kimberly (Junior). Wi!lilImW (FreshfNn) Bowers Rich~rd A (Freshm.n) 6037 Clear Springs Rd. 'Iiriinia Beach.VA.23464.4637. 256. Bowie Brittncy Leigh Uunior) 3302 Hawks Hill Road, N"""Windsor. MD. 21776. 77. 248. Bowie. Alex J (Sophornon:) 146 N 1 Mile Rd, Fort Gibson.OK.. 7«14. 252. Jason M (Graduo,e) 115. Bowlin D.vid Clly (Graduate). Bowling jerry (FlICulty) IS3. Willi~m Robert (Grlldune) 'I8'lOTrexler Rd. Teurlc:lru..TX.75501. Bowman Freddie Mae (Gradulle). Jilli.nne N Uunior) 251 Sucey Marie (Graduate). ••• Taylor R Uunior) 1351 S G",nite Roclc Drive. Chlntilly.VA. 2015 I. 77. 182. 207. 248. 251. Boyce Kevin P (Fn!shman) 702West F'lorl<.Selrq.AR. 72143.106.2+1. Boyd Andrew K (Freshman) 9436Tobine Ro.d. Romu– lus. MI. 48 174 April E(Fresh=n) PO 80>< 645. Snyder,TX, 79550.252. Chelsea Andrea Uunior) 97.765 f':I.llla Loop. Kapolei. HI.96707, 77 CourtneyAnne (Freshm.n) 9874 Fieldcrcst Dr. Apison,TN. ]7032, 224. 259. Heath Clayton (Freshmllo) 129 Fernwood Ln. Mocksvill... NC.27028. Nidcy (Faculty) 142, 160.271. Ryon J (Junior) 9436Tobine R~d.Romulus, MI. 48174.77.201. Boyle RobertAlon (Junior) 9300 Justine Ct. Louisville. KY.~0299. Sarli H (Senior) 5708 Old Floydsbur, Pk, Crenwood. KY. '100 14 Bradford GrcgoryW (Senior) 53 Leonard Loo~Oama.· cus.AR.72019 Shirley Kay (Graduate) Br..dley Alison Joyc:e (G",dUllte). Atrrt 5 (Senior) 308S uke, MIIrytand Hei",", MO. 63043. ss. 225.255. ChlliesThorn.. (Freshman) 2800 Rosegate Ln. Chlriotte. NC. 28270.269. Do"" Leanne (Graduate). Denesh;a Monette (G",du~te). Erin N (Freshman) 3065 uke. Maryland Heights. MO.6)OH uura N (Freshman) 317 Northwood Dr.. Georietown.TX.78628. 224. Virginia (Sufi) 160. Bradsh..w J.mes W.yne (Graduate). PaulWiWa", (Freshman) 6524W.Cmc:us Drive. Glencble.AZ. 85306. 106. Brad y Doni'll Denise (G",d~te). BrOlIn Chllris Tess (Junior) 409 Mer",11 Drive. Sulphur Spring••TX. 75482. 247. 252. Jedd. W (Senior) 409 Merrell Street. Sulphur Springs,TX,75482.58, 252,272. Branch uuren Danielle (Freshman) 3'120 SCountry Club Rd, Muskogee, OK, 74403, 106. Ulln-do utreace (Gradulte). J.mi Mirleen (GradWlte). Brandon Diana Lynn (G"'clUllte). Brannon Jerry Ryon (Freshm.n) 105 8a.rtleu Rd.. Searcy, AR. 72143. Brantley Haley unette (Fresh=n) SI3Vl Cr 2901. Eusuce.TX.75IH. Brasuell Dawn E (Graduate). Braswell Benjamin C Uunior) 611W Center. Sea.-.:y,AR, 72143.220.221. Bratche r Cilludette (Sufi) 160 leonord Keith (G"'duate). Nicole Rachel (Fre"'fNn) 2408 Paliwlde Drive. Cabot.AR. n023 Tri"" Lois Ann (G",duate). Bruas Shannon M (Freshman) 112 £bIle)' Rd. Hilton. NY. 14468. 106. Sh.wnA (Graduate) 112 B~iley Road, Hilton, NY. 14168-93 17. Brazile OUin (G",duate) 10128 0 Street Ene.Tacoma. WA,98+1S. Mel..... (Sufi) 160. Brule KristiN A Uunior) 118 SouthemAvenue. Tallmadge.OH. +1278.77.255. Bre..ux