2007-2008 Yearbook

moldlinga as ~ '0 li~C~ Coming up with the theme for the 2007-08 Petit Jean was the daunting task that I, as editor-ill-chief, was given as my summer homework. Like any good yearbook junkie, I immediately went to the seldom thought ofbut frequently overstuffed closet ofpast Harding yearbooks in my office to research. I started at the beginning, when Harding was Galloway College, and went from there, leafing through the pages of the Harding College books. I read still through the brightly colored books of the 60s and 70s and a particularly great book from 1988 when Dr. Burks first became president. I saw faculty come and go, leaving their mark on the campus. I saw the university landscape change before my eyes as new dormitories and buildings popped up around campus. And I saw the students that made up Harding's population grow and change from year to year. Although hairstyles and clothing fads changed with each page, I realized that there were some things that remained the same through the generations. I came to the understanding that the students in those pages and the ones in these 328 pages that you have before you were all here for the 292 [closing] "[editor's note] same purpose. Everyone comes to Harding to be molded and changed into something. Through classes, teachers and professional organizations, students come closer to their postgraduate goals.With the instruction from coaches, teammates and practices, athletes become physically refined. But even more than academic and athletic shaping was the spiritual transformation that occurred for many while at Harding. Most of us could choose just about any university we wanted, yet we all have been drawn to a little town in Arkansas for this spiritual experience. The 2007-08 Petitjean theme, "Molding a Masterpiece" comes from tllis idea of a university and its students being constantly molded and shaped from year to year. During our stay at Harding, God provided opportunities for us to learn, grow and develop into the masterpieces H e desires us to become. Seniors will look back on these pages and see the changes that have been made in their lives, and freshmen will see the potential. We are all being reworked by trials to become more like Christ; we are all being molded into perfection by the Master. lJ(atie LIbman. Ecitor-lrtDvefi Il=tfa> lrd.oyl