2007-2008 Yearbook

Running was not just a sport. It was a discipline and a lifestyle. Junior Janee Jones immersed herself in that lifestyle by being a part of both the track and the cross-country teams. When Jones attended high school in her hometown of Goodrich, Mich., she was a member of the cheerleading squad and said she had never really considered running track before. But it was the comments of others that led her to begin her running career her freshman year of high school. “I hated running,” Jones said, “and that’s why I didn’t do it for so long.” But now at the collegiate level, she loved running but did not like the competition aspect of it. “I love every other aspect of it,” Jones said. “When I run, I like being done with it. I feel like I’ve accomplished something.” Jones always knew shewanted to run for a teamat aChristian school, and that was the reason she chose Harding. According to Jones, track and cross-country were communication sports. When going for a long run, Jones said it was nice to have someone to run and talk with. According to sophomore Danielle Timmerman, Jones’ teammate and roommate, Jones always tried to push others on the team. “She’s a leader,” Timmerman said. “She is very well educated about running. She always seems to know the answer. Basically, she’s the mother of the team.” Jones’ freshman year of college was a difficult one for her. Jones received news that a group of girls that she ran with in high school had been in a car accident. One of the girls, Kayla O’Mara, was killed in the accident. As of Jones’ senior year, she still wore the bracelet to commemorate the death of her friend. That was a critical moment for Jones. She felt discouraged because she was in Arkansas and could not return home. She no longer felt like running. She took a while off from running, but when she came back, she conquered. Jones’s finish in her first race back placed her in a position to compete in the national race. When she competed at nationals, she placed high enough to move from the semi-finals to the finals. When the race was over, Jones was an All-American. In addition to the All-America team, Jones also was a part of the First Team All-GSC and GSC Freshman of the Year in 2005. In 2006, Jones made FirstTeam All-Region and First team All-GSC—Individual champion. Another of Jones’s teammates and roommates, junior Katy Grant, said that Jones one of the most generous people that she knew. “She’s not selfish,” Grant said. “She always wants to good for others.” Both of Jones’ roommates agreed that Jones was very focused on ministry.She wanted to serve others in everything that she did. [Michelle Greer] Senior runner draws strength from tragedy Senior runner Janee Jones breaks ahead of other runners at the annual alumni meet Sept. 8 on the Harding campus. Alumni runners of the Lady Bison cross country team were encouraged to compete against the current team. [Craig Rainbolt] RESILIENCE [cross country] 277