2007-2008 Yearbook

Senior forward leaves mark on record books Senior forward Kendyl Washburn defends the ball from an Austin Peay player Sept. 9 during a home game. Washburn broke Harding’s scoring record with a game-winning penalty kick to bring the score to 2-1. [Craig Rainbolt] MONUMENTAL Few people had the rare opportunity to have their passions turned into major, recognized achievements. Senior Kendyl Washburn was one of those lucky few. In November 2007 Washburn was named the Gulf South Conference’s Women’s Soccer Player of the Year. She was the first Bison soccer player, male or female, to receive this high honor. “My success in soccer wouldn’t even be possible if it weren’t for all of my teammates that I have played with my fours year at Harding,”Washburn said. Washburn began playing soccer when she was in second grade. From then on, soccer became a major part of her life. ThroughoutherhighschoolyearsinMidland,Texas,Washburnnotonlyplayed for her school and club,but she played for the Alliance Soccer Club for 7 years. “I love being part of a team,”Washburn said.“I am very competitive, and I knew that soccer was something I could compete at and work at. I can’t think about not playing soccer.” When it came time to choose a college,Washburn knew that she wanted to attend a Christian university and play soccer. Women’s soccer coach Gregory Harris went to see her play in Texas, and after that, Washburn knew she would play for Harding. “I knewthat Iwanted toplay for aChristian school,”Washburn said.“Iwanted the chance to play with Christian teammates and a Christian coach.” Washburn began playing for Harding her freshman year and, since then, had started 65 games. Washburn played forward and held the record for the most goals scored at 39 goals in 2007.The previous record-holder was Lori Boren, who played from 2001-2004, at 33 goals. Washburn also held the school’s records for game-winning goals at 13 goals and goals per game at .60. Washburn ranked second in points per game at 1.43 points. Coach Harris recognized Washburn’s dedication and love for the sport. “Kendyl has never been the greatest at skills, and she has not been the fastest runner, but she is probably the most tenacious player I have ever had,” Coach Harris said. “She doesn’t stop at anything. She gives 100 percent all the time. She will play through injuries, but she doesn’t know anything else. Her attitude and fight makes her that great goal scorer.She has talent,decent speed, good technical skills and she has been a huge asset to the team.” The soccer team’s trip to the national tournament during the spring of 2007 was Washburn’s favorite college soccer experience.This had been the only time that the women’s soccer team qualified for the tournament which was held in Florida in 2007. Aside from playing soccer,Washburn was a member of Zeta Rho social club and enjoyed playing intramural sports such as basketball, softball and volleyball. Since all of her afternoons were spent at soccer practice, the weekends were always a time that she loved. It was a chance for Washburn to hang out with her friends and relax. Washburn was an exercise science major who planned to graduate inMay 2008 and then attend graduate school in a physician’s assistant program. “I’ve never been the biggest or strongest player, but I believe what makes me strong is my competitive attitude and determination to win,”Washburn said. “I refuse to be pushed around!” [Michelle Greer and Cesia Martinez] 274 [athletics]