Delta Gamma Rho beau senior John Berger encourages junior Jana Bankston and senior Megan Hitt to defeat Ko Jo Kai at the Oct. 4 B-team football game. “Beaux help us play when we aren’t that experienced, especially with football,” Hitt said. [Jonathan Lindsay] Sophomore John Stewart rushes forward to score for Chi Lambda Chi while senior Ben Waldrop, representing Delta Chi Delta, pursues him to block a touchdown at the A-team faceoff on Oct. 4. “Just getting everyone to the field is great; it feels good to hear those cheers when you’re doing well,” Stewart said. [Jonathan Lindsay] Junior Bethany Yarbrough of Chi Kappa Rho and senior Tiffany Smith of Pi Theta Phi go head to head for the point at an A-teamvolleyball game on Oct. 29. “Club sports give people a great opportunity to play on organized teams with others who enjoy playing as much as they do,” said Yarbrough, a former high school player. [Jonathan Lindsay] Row 1: B. Burcham, C. Miller, B. Griswold, T. Bragg, M. Daniel, S. Cheatham, B. Hemphill, P. Davidson, N. Baskett, K. Farmer, A. Sharp, J.Wolf. Row 2: A. Groves, B. Higgins, T. Carter, A. Justus, M. Worden, Q. Bullock, D. McCormick, J. Robertson, C. DellaPace, M. Wright, C. Huffstutter. Row 3: L. Close, J. Alexander, J. Allen, D. Miller, C. Woody, A. Elrod, B. Muncy, T. Stickel, Z. Fetterman, N. Michael, K. Johnson. Row 4: E. Bryant, C. Rudat, B. Burrows, G. Arthur, J. Austin, N. Hopkins, M. Slagle, Z. Seagle, C.Huffstutter, C. Griffin, J. Powell. Row 5: E. Mount, J. Bragg, D. Roach, T. Perring, K. Binkley, J. Hill, S. Mainprize, T. Hendrixson, J. Stanley. Row 6: I. Peters, C. Brewer, Z. Wilkerson, L. Heffner, A. Bowles, D. Messick, J. Daggett. Row 7: B. Ragsdale, A. Hall, W. Reno, P. Baird, P. Mainprize, J. Mathes. Row 1: L. Chambers, E. Shipp, E. Dugan, L. Coleman, N. Miller, J. Adams, M. Garnett, D. Roper, T. Cook, A. Walker, R. Candy, K. Witter. Row 2: J. Fox, A. Long, K. Stokes, A. Kemper, J. Landis, K. Vick, M. Brown, K. Smith, P. Parkey, J. Lowrey, K. White, D. Lemrick. Row 3: D. Walker, L. Merritt, O. Guzman, L. Betts, K. Kersey, L. Haynes, S. Cummings, M. Himelrick, A. Meadows, M. Lankford, A. Langston, R. Hatfield, J. Street. Row 4: T. Treadway, C. Darnell, A. Copeland, L. Landry, H. Ogburn, J. Bangs, L. Alexander, E. Dean, M. Guzman, J. Stephens, S.B. Plunk, S. Phipps. Row 5: E. Tate, H. Light, S. McSwain, R. Redding, K. Goings, L. Lehman, L. Counts, H. Turner, H. Smith, K. Ishman. Row 6: S. Stajduhar, K. Stidham, A. Bridges, A. Jetton, A. Conrad, S. Bagwell, M. Hunter, A. Ward, H. Douglas, K. Ford, K. Petty. Row 7: K. Vick, L.L. Gill, A. Ferrell, C. Bedwell, C. Pruitt, S. Holt, R. Muncy, R. Young, C. Dempsey, T.Wilkinson, C. Merritt, R. Carter, M. Matteri. Row 1: A. Crocker, M. Sallee, A. Boyd, B. Manning, M. Grochowski. Row 2: M. Tillett, A. Todd, V. Borsheim, T. Porter, W. Young. Row 3: D. Morrissey, J. Edwards. oege knights ko jo kai Row 1: K. Brown, L. Dove, J. Livingston, K. Waite. Row 2: C. McLean, K. Palmer, L. Woods, D.Adkisson, D. Woods. Row 3: C. Guglielmon, B. Blake, M. Lydon, L. Agee. omega lambda chi 252 [social clubs]