2007-2008 Yearbook

Rocking the stageat Battle of the Bands onMarch 30, 2007, alumnus AdamYoung and 2006 alumnus David Condolora performwith their band, Goodbye Design. The performance attracted many students to Warehouse 2156 on Race Street. [Chelsea Roberson] Ponderingwhichanswer to choose, senior Katie Anderson and junior CorwinBrowncompete in the Apples to Apples Tournament in the student center Nov. 13. The game consisted of matching up nouns andadjectives tomake the best answer. [Jonathan Lindsay] [campus activities] 21 After waiting patiently, freshmanMicahCanterburyexamines his Spiderman balloon creation Sept. 22 in the student center. A balloon artist entertained students for hours, creating various figures. [Chris Hamilton] Performer Sara Bareilles sings soulfully into the microphone on Nov. 30 in the BensonAuditorium. This was Bareilles’, who was VH1’s November Artist YouOughtaKnow, first concert as the headlining band. [Jonathan Lindsay]