2007-2008 Yearbook

• [women 's ultimate frisbee] Row 1: E. Roberts. R. Blake, N. Fitzpatrick, C. Picker. Row 2: C. Curl, K. McNichols, K. Anderson, L. Whittington. Forming a serum, rugby team members test their strength on Oct. 6during a game against the Little Rock men'sTeam. "There is nothing more satisfy– ing than getting hit a couple of times and realizing you don ' t break like a twig," junior Matt McCor– mick said. [Cu tesy of And-ew MlJTOYJ [harding cheerleaders] Row 1: K. Mitchell, L. Weeks, B. Chapman, N. Oakes . Row 2: H. Light, J. Carroll, J. Ritchie. Row 3: L. Lowery, L. Ashley, A. Jones, A. Winters. [athletics] 199