2007-2008 Yearbook

Homecoming gave students and alumni the rare opportunity to look back on Harding’s past while, at the same time, look forward to Harding’s future. One aspect of Harding life that cultivated a great deal of memories was social club life. Some clubs used homecoming to bring together several generations of their members. Women’s social clubs Ju Go Ju, Delta Gamma Rho and Regina all had milestone anniversaries held during homecoming weekends. For Ju Go Ju, 2005 marked their 80th year as a club. “Since one of JuGo Ju’s sayings is ‘Always,always act like a lady,’we had a tea party where all of the former members and current members were encouraged to wear hats and a classy outfit,” senior Erin Starnes said. The current members were able to chat with women who had been in Ju Go Ju more than 50 years ago. “The crazy thing was [that] we were all just like them,” Starnes said. “It was so refreshing to know the kind of women who made up Ju Go Ju back then were so similar to us.” Delta Gamma Rho also celebrated turning “sweet 16”in 2006 with a come and go reception showcasing old function T-shirts and scrapbooks. “The turnout was great,”May 2007 graduate andDeltaGammaRho alumna Katie Dear said.“We got to meet some of the founding members of the club. We also got to meet quite a few of our old beaux.That was pretty cool, too, because they all were still very proud to be a part of Delta Gamma Rho.” For Regina,2007marked their 60th anniversary which they celebratedwith a brunch for all of their former members during homecoming weekend. “It was really cool to talk to them,”said senior Taylor Binkley, who served as special activities director for Regina.“We got to hear how they used to sing the club song, and then they got to hear how we sing it now.We also learned how they did club week and their functions differently.” All of the clubs’members were touched by seeing their club’s past. “It is one thing to go through pledge week andmemorize facts and names,” Dear said, “but to really understand who built the foundation of something that you cherish so much puts a whole new perspective on things.” Although years separated these club sisters, they all still felt connected through their clubs. “There is a bond in sisterhood that I never experienced before college,one that transcends all ages and places of origin,” Starnes said. “The fact that we had never met any of these ladies before yet still had a connection with them is what made this anniversary celebration so inspiring to us.” The returning club members were also happy to see their club still holding true to the standards that they had set years ago. “I received a lot of RSVP e-mails from the alumni that all said how excited they were about coming,” Binkley said. “They really enjoyed seeing how the club is doing now.” The anniversaries held left the current members looking forward to the day when they would return to see how their club had grown. “Looking back on Ju Go Ju’s history gave me a sense of purple pride,” Starnes said. “It made me really want to devote my energy to the club while at Harding, so in 20 years when they celebrate their 100th anniversary, I can come back and see Ju Go Ju still thriving with Godly women.” [Jennifer Harris] old and new Social clubs create and participate in homecoming traditions 16 [student life]