2007-2008 Yearbook

For many, the first day of school came too soon. If they were asked to come back a week early, not only would they flat out refuse, but they might also laugh uncontrollably. At Harding, it was a different story. Not only did freshmen show up early, but numerous upperclassmen joined them to make their experience that much better. Five days before classes began, incoming freshman and transfer students moved into their dorm rooms in preparation for Student Impact.With the help of upperclassmen, the students were able to become settled into their new living environment without the stress of classes. For transfer sophomore Meredith McCoy, Student Impact was a great chance to become familiar with Harding’s campus. “I was just hoping to become more acquainted with school,” McCoy said. “I had never really visited before so I didn’t know where anything was on campus.” But more than just getting to know the campus, Student Impact allowed new students to develop friendships lasting throughout their college experience. McCoy had already experienced one year of college at Abilene Christian University in Abilene, Texas, so becoming comfortable with the college lifestyle was not as much of a main concern as making friends was. Energy groups, which were made up of incoming students, were a great way for McCoy and others to develop relationships. With these energy groups, the students participated in all of the activities of the week. “It was such a great way to meet people,” she said. But before the new students ever stepped foot on campus, there was another group of students awaiting their arrival. Student Impact leaders were primarily made up of returning Harding students who were willing to spend their time making the new students feel comfortable on campus. Junior Rachal Blake was one of the many Student Impact leaders. She and some of her friends led an energy group, which was provided for new students to bond and learn their way around campus. “My freshman year, I had really good energy group leaders, and we had a lot of fun,”Blake said.“Being an energy group leader was a chance to answer any questions or settle any fears the new students might have had.” But Student Impact was lead by many more people than just energy group leaders.With over 10 months of preparation, directors seniors Jaime Brown and Matthew Perring spent countless hours preparing for Student Impact 2007. From recruiting workers, to finding entertainment and local sponsorship, Brown and Perring worked hard in hopes that Student Impact would be a success.With more than 850 students who participated, Perring was confident in that success. According to him, the environment Student Impact created was unlike any other experience on campus. More than anything, Perring wanted the freshmen and transfer students to see how great Harding could be. “It’s just great to be involved and make an impact,” Perring said. [Hannah Ware] making an impact [student impact] 15 Newcomers begin a “fresh” semester