2007-2008 Yearbook

Instructing her class in Scotland, senior Rachel White makes her way around the classroom to help with an activity book lesson. Harding education majors had the unique experience of doing their pre-student teaching overseas for the summer. [Courtesy of Mike Wood] Preparing visuals for her upcomingclass project, senior Lindsey Blackburn cuts out handouts in the curriculum lab on Oct. 26. The curriculum lab was an essential place of assistance to educaton majors by providing supplies and a welcoming environment in the Thornton Education Center. [Haylee Herbert] Preparing her EDFD 202 class for their upcoming unit on events that shape education Dr. Cheri Smith, instructor of education, instructs her class on Nov. 2 in the Thornton Education Center. This class was a prerequisite for education majors. [Haylee Herbert] College of Education [college of education] 185