2007-2008 Yearbook

Junior Jeremy Carver assesses the knee of senior Casi Bailey during a 10 a.m. Treatment and Assessment of the Lower Extremities class Oct. 4. The class was taught by Associate Professor of Kinesiology Dr. Randy Lambeth. [Jonathan Lindsay] Sophomore TJ Leonard, juniors Kayla Chambers and Tiffany Berken and senior Keely Alexander file through the food lineat the annual Kinesiology Cookout in early August. The cookout was a excellent chance for faculty and students in the program to get to know one another outside of the classroom. [Chris Hamilton] Diving head first into swim lessons, sophomore Cameron O’Neill helps a young swimmer on Sept. 26. Harding Aquatics Program, run by Dr. J.D Yingling, offered swim lessons to young and old as a help to the community. [Jonathan Lindsay] Kinesiology Exercise Science 180 [academics]