2007-2008 Yearbook

Freshmen, transfer students, energy group leaders and others on campus for Student Impact sit on the front lawn during the Candle Light Devo on Aug. 19. The message of the devotional was for students to be lights to the world. [Jonathan Lindsay] Freshman Eric Ramsey holds his “baby” in the Benson Auditorium during Student Impact on Aug. 18. Ramsey, along with several other students, was hypnotized and convinced that he gave birth to “Jerry.” [Chris Hamilton] 14 [student life] Freshman Meg Watson moves her belongings into Cathcart Dormwith her mom’s help Aug. 16. Freshmen and transfer students were allowed into their dorms early to set up in time for Student Impact. [Chris Hamilton] Freshmen Andrew Hadley and Alex Groves enjoy the roast pig during the Student Impact luau Aug. 17 in the GAC. The luau gave incoming students a chance to relax and mingle. [Chris Hamilton]