2007-2008 Yearbook

Working on his homework, senior Alan Lee uses the lab to finish his studies on Oct. 17. The Missions Lab in the McInteer Bible building was a great place for students to study, work on projects and have a quiet workspace. [Jonathan Lindsay] SophomoreDillonMaurersings thefinale for his band ATGF on Aug. 26 at the Rock House opening. The Rock Housewas a newplace close to campus for students to congregate for events and fellowship. [Jonathan Lindsay] Finishing theirmeal at the Sikh Temple, students end their day’s events inChicago onOct. 20. The Living World Religions class, taught by Professor of BibleDr. MonteCox, took a trip every semester to visit other religious establishments for a first-hand experience. [Courtesy of Josh Deitch] 168 [academics] HSBS Bible