2007-2008 Yearbook

Dancing to “Rama Lama”, senior Jillian Shacke l f o r d and juniors David Walton and Elizabeth Harrell perform with the ensemble cast April 5, 2007. Spring Sing 2007 “Camaraderie” was dedicatedtoHarding’s president of 20 years, Dr. David Burks. [Chelsea Roberson] Showing off their best Spring Sing faces, senior J. Cliff Ganus and sophomore Julie Lowery perform in “Candy Shop” on April 5, 2007. Ganus portrayed the “CandyMan” for JuGoJu, KoJo Kaiandfriendsand was also part of theensemblecast. [Chelsea Roberson] [spring sing] 13 Commanding his crew, senior Daniel Wade searches for stolen gold April 6, 2007 in the show “Confessions of an Overworked Pirate.” Gamma Sigma Phi, Iota Chi, Pi Theta Phi and friends won the Spirit Award which was voted on by each club Spring Sing director. [Chelsea Roberson] Playingthesaxophone, senior Ryan Locke per forms his solo during Jersey Night, April 1, 2007. “It is just so fun to be center stage and have such a large crowd to be enjoying our show,” Locke said. [Chelsea Roberson]