2007-2008 Yearbook

Harold Alexander, M.S.E., Director/Academic Advising Center Jim Baird, B.A., Mgr/Client Support Consulting Mark Benton, M.Ed., Academy Headmaster Nicky Boyd, Ed.D., Director/Walton Scholars, Career Center International Students William Bridges, B.S., Manager/Bookstore Mike Chalenburg, B.A., Assistant V.P. IS&T David Collins, Ed.D., Assistant V.P./Dean of Students David Crouch, B.S., Director/Public Relations Danny DeRamus, B.A., Director/Physical Resources Glenn Dillard, B.B.A., Assistant V.P./Enrollment Management Ann Dixon, M.L.S., Director/Brackett Library Lora Fleener, B.B.A., Mgr/Student Support and Communication Tammy Hall, M.B.A., Assistant V.P./Finance Greg Harnden, M.A., Director/Athletics Janice Hurd, M.P.A., Registrar Donald Kee, J.D., General Counsel Paula Kirby, B.S., Director/E-Learning and Multimedia Services Scott Lloyd, M.S.E., Mgr/Media Center A/V Tobey Nickels Director/Postal Services John Nunnally, M.S., Mgr/IS and T Network Services Craig Russell, M.A., Chief of Public Safety Marty Spears, Ph.D., Assistant V.P./Academic Affairs Vickie Walton, Mgr/Heritage Inn Assistant V.P. and Dean of Student Life David Collins catches up with senior Bonnie Thrasher before Bisons for Christ Sept. 19. “He’s more than just a Dean, he’s a friend,” Thrasher said. “To me, he’s just David.” [Jonathan Lindsay] Registrar Janice Hurd trains her staff in the new degree auditing system in the Ganus Athletic Center computer lab Sept. 19. TheRegistrar’sOffice streamlined this year’s degree request system, making the application availble online. [Chris Hamilton] Director of Brackett Library Ann Dixon checks the contents of a book as she shelves it Sept. 26 in the library. Dixonhadbeenworking in the Harding Library system for 14 years, becoming director after eight years of work. [Jonathan Lindsay] Mike Chalenburg, Assistant V.P. IS&T, reads amagazine inhis office during his spare time Sept. 26. Also in his spare time, Chalenburg devoted time into working with the Highway Church of Christ. [Jonathan Lindsay] 142 [leadership]