2007-2008 Yearbook

President Burks expresses of homecomings past as I enjoyed all of the homecoming activities this fall of 2007, I could not help but think back on some of my memories of homecomings when I began in 1961 as a student at Harding University.While we were much smaller at the time,with an enrollment of 1,000 students, the same kind of feelings were expressed then as I heard expressed this fall even though our enrollment was over 6,300 students. People were grateful for their time at Harding and the faith-developing activities that had always been a part of our work at Harding. I was amazed at the “Wizard of Oz” production and with all of the work done behind the scenes, in the orchestra, the lighting booth and on stage. It seemed like a symphony to me as I thought about all of the different activities that had to come together in a unified fashion for the show to be such a great success. I loved the flying parts. Then I thought of the Black and Gold Banquet on Friday night where we honored so many alumni who made outstanding contributions to the church and to society. I also thought of all of the alumni we could not recognize but who were making such a great difference in our world. It was hard to even picture the contributions being made by Harding alumni all over the world.I believed only God could know the extent of this contribution. I marveled at the football game and the talent of our players,their determination and the great victory we enjoyed.I thought back to victories when I was a student years ago. I was amazed at the success of our students in football, in volleyball and in so many other competitive aspects of life. I felt a great sense of camaraderie as I talked to board members, alumni, President’s Council members,faculty and students over the homecoming weekend. I loved homecoming because I thought it was the epitome of family and what Harding was all about. Harding was about building relationships, forming a family and focusing on God. [Dr. David B. Burks] [president] 139 Memories On April 2, 2007 President David Burks visits and talks to the residents of Harding Place. Burks spoke in honor of the 10th anniversary celebrationof HardingPlace, whichwasanassisted living facility owned by Harding. [Chelsea Roberson]