2007-2008 Yearbook

to President’s Council Thankful student makes huge College students were never known for their wealth. Between paying for tuition, books, lab fees and room and board, there was very little money left in their bank accounts.However,despite this shortage of money,one college student reached into his wallet to give from his heart. During a 2005 chapel devotional talk, Vice President of Advancement Mike Williams spoke to the students about giving to others, speaking mainly about financial gifts given to Harding. Junior Michael Crouch was one of those students and took the message to heart. From this devo, Crouch began to ask himself how he might give back to the university. His determination to “give back to Harding” only grew after that day and eventually turned into action. Because of his generous act, Crouch became the first student inducted into the President’s Council on November 4, 2007. Right before homecoming, Crouch approached the Regional Director of Admissions, Dirk Smith. “He just came in, told me he was thrilled to be at Harding and that he wanted to give back.,” Smith simply stated. He was quite surprised that a student had come in wanting to know more about opportunities to contribute to Harding. “Typically they do this after they get out,” Smith said. “He had all of the qualities for being a council member, so I did the paper work, and now he’s on the council.” Crouch is part of the Young Alumni portion of the council, which is made up of Harding graduates 1-5 years out of school. But Crouch is the first to be in his own category The President’s Council consisted of people who supported Harding by donating money.That money turned into the scholarships that the university gave.The council met twice a year: once during Homecoming and once during Spring Sing. The members met with Assistant Professor and Dean of Business Dr. Bryan Burks to discuss different aspects of programs and departments that members were affiliated with.The council was made up of around 750 to 1,000 Harding alumni who showed their dedication by giving their input, encouragement and money. Crouch was an economics and vocational ministry major from Fort Worth, Texas, who planned on going to law school.His passion for giving back to Harding stemmed from his view of the university. “Harding has served as a spiritual and social platform,” Crouch said. Crouch was appreciative of the aspects that made Harding different.The individual student attention and personal relationships along with the high quality of education and Honors College opportunities provided Crouch with a unique and fulfilling college experience. He decided to give back to show his gratitude. Many students with scholarships do not even realize that those funds are coming from dedicated and appreciative people like Crouch on the President’s Council. By recognizing his ability to give, Crouch was able to help others receive the same benefits of attending Harding that he was given.When asked what he would say to encourage other students to do the same, he was very humble. “If you love Harding and you want to give back, then this is the thing for you,” Crouch said. “Plan now on giving later.” [Hannah Beall and Jennifer Harris] Addition At the 2007 Lectureship in the Benson Auditorium, Board of Trustees member Harold Redd and wife Joyce were presented with the Christian Service Award on Oct. 3 by Harold Norton at the 2007 Lectureship. This award was given by Dr. David Burks and is awarded to people that live exemplary lives as Christian men and women. [Jeff Montgomery] 136 [leadership]