2007-2008 Yearbook

A nd “they lived happily ever after,” at least, that was how it was supposed to be. After falling in love and getting married, the story ended, right? But for Andrew and Whitney Venable, their story did not end after “I do.” Harding graduate Andrew Venable and his wife, senior Whitney Venable, began dating as teenagers. They dated for over seven years before getting married and had their future planned. After marrying in June of 2007, Andrew moved to Texas to become a state trooper while Whitney finished school at Harding. They planned to both move to Texas once her collegiate duties were fulfilled in May of 2008. But those plans quickly changed when, after only eight weeks of being married, the couple learned that they were expecting, which came as a big surprise. They later learned they were having a baby girl. “It took a while to set in,” Whitney said. “I was definitely scared because it takes a lot to be a mother.” After a lot of time and prayer, the Venables decided it would be best if Andrew continued with his plans to go to Texas. So after only three months together as husband and wife, Andrew left for Austin, Texas, to begin training at the Department of Public Safety. For the next six months, Andrew trained from early morning to late at night with limited phone time and few holiday breaks.Whitney said they were lucky to see each other one weekend a month. “The biggest obstacle was him not being able to experience the pregnancy with me,”Whitney said. “It has been hard not being able to see him everyday, but things could be worse. So we take all the blessings we are given and appreciate what time we do share together.” Because the baby was due March 25, 2008, Whitney had to put her education on hold. After finishing the fall semester in 2007, Whitney returned home to Springdale, Ark., to live with her parents while Andrew finished his training. “We both figured that would be the best decision since I couldn’t see him during the week,” Whitney said. “At home, I was in a more familiar place where family could watch over me.” Soon after the birth, Andrew and Whitney planned to move to Texas and continue their plans but with a baby in tow. In order to graduate from Harding with a degree in social work, Whitney had a few course requirements left to complete, including her field practice. Whitney planned to do her field placement in Texas during the summer of 2008, still through the Harding social work program. In order to do this, a few trips to Harding’s campus would be necessary throughout the summer. Then after taking a few more online classes in the fall, Whitney would graduate from Harding in December 2008. “I’m so close,” Whitney said. “I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. There is no reason to quit now.” Although their plans were interrupted, Whitney said that through everything she saw the blessings God was giving to their small family. “Changes can happen fast,”Whitney said. “That’s one thing Andrew and I have learned the most in our relationship together. Changes are not always easy or fun, but it’s how we handle the change that makes the difference.” [Hannah Ware] A strong love [second semester students] 127 Couple enjoys blessings through difficult times