2006-2007 Yearbook

omore • • ngage I erVI ce Committed to serving and protecting our nation I I I I " During summer vacation, srudems may have gone home co their to express his faith openly and freely. In an atmosphere where most of his families. worked or went on a family vacadon; others might have colleagues were not spiritually mociva red, Whersrone said he was able to enrolled in summer classes and some might have even participated be an example to his peers. in imernships. One student in particular had a different experience "One guy said 1 was rhe best Chrisdan example he had ever seen in during his summer break: sophomore Jordan Wherscone went through his whole life, which shocked me/' Whctswne said. Marine training at Parris Island, S.C. Although Whetstone was physicaJly worn oU[ every night, he found "It was like a 'rite of passage' for me and a very positive experience," time to read his Bible as much as he could. WhetstOne said. " I didn't know exactly what was going to happen, but I "The only time I would have [Q read my Bible was at night during knew it was goi ng to hurt." rack," he said. "Even though rwasn't supposed to, I would do it anyway, He said he went to traini ng wi th a purpose. and if 1couldn't do that, I would go to the bathroom or as we called it "I went into it with a couple of goals in mind: One was to come out the 'head' and would read my Bible there." more in shape physicall y and the other was to become closer to God, Whetstone had some advice for potential Ma rines. which was a really big goal for me," Whetstone said. "Go in there will ing to change; don't go saying you're not willing to Whetswne said he leaned on God to get him (hrough the camp's change," Whetstone said. "You need to conform to their ways, but you rigorous activities. can stay the same while you're doing it." "The camp was reall y fast pace," Whetstone said. "Mrer the fi rst week, Whetstone's attitude had apositive effect on many ofhis friends, such as Tsaid to myself, 'I really need to read my Bible.' It really helped me our, sophomore Makenzi W illiamson, who was on the track team with him. just reading my Bible, singing and praising God every day." "He's been very encouraging, especially in crack, and he's always been Whetstone said the camp was physicalty exhausring. someone I can tell things to or just hang out with," W illiamson said. "He "We walked everywhere we went," he said. "The weather was humid always keeps me laughing." enough that we had to drink about three gallons of water a day CO keep Williamson said she can see how trai ning camp has changed him. hyd rated. Our uniforms, or camay's as they are called, were drenched "He's definitely gotten more mature and more responsible," Williamson wim sweat day after day." said. "He appreciates me more serious things in life now." Despite the demanding physical activities, Whetstone said he was able -Darin Sackett /,h During job traini ng in (onway, Ark., sopho- '4"-'<--------------------"---.:s:"'---~--"'''t_~-~~;:,.,..Jio.-----.. more Reese Mcintyre learns how to wire an explosive. "Seeing Reese amongst all of the other brave soldiers ... made me more proud of him than ever," sophomore Linzi Lawson said. -Courtesy ofAshley Clarke _1I.Q~8 people