2006-2007 Yearbook

c Campus beautification and renova~ion finished In early 2005, a new presence was seen on campus with the arrival of the spring semester. As ubiqui[Qus as any student o r professor, his addition [0 campus daily life was soon fel t by all occupants on campus. This presence was that of the construction wo rker. The reason for the constructio n worker's presence was [0 complete a series of renovations involving the Lily Pool, Graduate, Kendall, Pattie Cobb and Keller Halls, and the Heritage Inn. Accord ing to President David Burks, ...........these renovations were a part of a five-year plan and were set on the drawing , board four years ago. /. "The reason for our long- range plans was [0 upgrade the campus and / ./provide new facilities for a growing student body," Burks said. "/'./ M ike Steelman ofSteelman Kennel in Little Rock laid out the plan for the /" first phase ofthe renovations, the H eritage Inn. The project began with workers creating a new entrance off of Market Street which ho used the university's public safety offices, admissions office and the Florence Room, where hotel guests could eat breakfast. "The Florence Room was named and d ecorated in honor of Harding's first international program in Florence, Italy," Vickie Wal[On, manager of the Heritage Inn, said. The second phase of the Heritage project invo lved the entire renovation of several ofthe existing offices on the second floor, which included the advancement, public relations and general counsel offices, as well as the office which housed the American Scuclies Institute. A new addition [0 [he second floor was a chapel, designed for weddings, receptions, dinners and other events. "The addition of the beautiful chapel which faces campus has been the Cooking in Pattie Cobb Hall on Oct. 22, sophomore Lizz Schallert makes a fruit pizza cookie.The kitchen renovations provided new appliances for residents. -Amber Bazargani .Ufpeople most outstanding part of the renovation project," Walton said. While the H eritage Inn was updated, the idea behind the renovation ofPattie Cobb Hall was a return co history. According to Dr. Sheri Sheari n, assisranc dean o f studems. the project was not o nly a renovation, but a restoratio n of Pa([ic Cobb's ori ginal appearance. Patrie Cobb was constructed in 19 19 as a parr of GallowayWoman's College. Interior renovations such as flooring, painting and lighting, and exterior changes slich as new windows, porch furniwre and railing, were implemcmed with [he goal of bringing back [he original style of [he building. "Ie is on (he National Hismric Registry, so we want to p reserve that pan of Hard ing's hiscory," Shearin said. Shearin played an accive role in selecting the decor for the project. ee l enjoyed being able [0 help shop fo r the furnishings, [0 look for the that matched the architecture of the building, and I was able to incorporate Harding's history in that," Shearin said . "We were able [0 use some o f D r. Geo rge Benson's furn ishings in the lobby and work those pieces in so we continue [0 carry the heritage and tradi tions on at H arding." Danny DeRamus, physical resources direc[Or, spearheaded the reIW"a[lon. process, which began in May of 2006. "We wanted to bring memories back rather than just be a buildi ng; to not JUSt be a d orm fo r girls, but [0 be a piece of his[Ory on this campus," DeRamus said. Administra[Ors agreed that the renovations helped enhanced the be" U[V'\ of the campus. -Jennifer Merrill and Darin Sackett • &